Page 11 - LatAmOil Week 20 2021
P. 11

LatAmOil                                         GUYANA                                            LatAmOil

                         “We are working co-operatively with the EPA to   barrels of oil equivalent (boepd).
                         support development of a long-term regulatory   The block may eventually produce as much
                         approach, including flare management,” she told   as 1mn barrels per day (bpd) of crude oil. Yields
                on May 13.                 at Liza-1, which came on stream in December
                           The ExxonMobil subsidiary is exploring and   2019, are set to peak at 120,000 bpd. Liza-2 and
                         developing the Stabroek block in co-operation   Payara, which are scheduled to begin operating
                         with Hess, an independent US-based company,   in 2022 and 2024 respectively, will add another
                         and a unit of China National Offshore Oil Corp.   250,000 bpd each, as will Yellowtail. ExxonMo-
                         (CNOOC). The partners have found a total of   bil Guyana is currently working to decide which
                         19 oil-bearing fields found at Stabroek, and they   fields to target in the fifth and sixth stages of
                         estimate that the block holds more than 9bn   development. ™

                                                 The logistics base will support development work at Payara (Image: Saipem)

       COVID-19 exposure forces Saipem

       to delay launch of logistics base

                           Italy’s Saipem has postponed the launch of   carrying out within several sections of Stabroek,
                         its new logistics base and offshore construction   a massive offshore block operated by ExxonMo-
                         base in Georgetown, the capital of Guyana.  bil (US). The company has won multiple service
                           According to a company statement, Saipem   contracts within the framework of the Stabroek
                         had hoped to mark the opening of the facility   project, including an engineering, procurement,
                         on May 22. But in the run-up to the launch   construction and installation (EPCI) contract
                         ceremony, it determined that a number of key   that covers the installation of a subsea produc-
                         staff members had been exposed to coronavirus   tion facility at the Payara field.
                         (COVID-19). Accordingly, it decided to push   Saipem intends to fabricate some of com-
                         the event back to another date, in line with its   ponents of this production facility at the logis-
                         own protocols.                       tics base in Georgetown. The facility has been
                           “During the most recent [regular round of   outfitted with the largest heavy lift crane ever to
                         COVID-19 testing for workers], we encoun-  operate in Guyana, as well as a heavy load-bear-
                         tered that essential staff at the construction site   ing jetty and specialised welding and testing
                         of our fabrication facility were exposed to the   equipment.
                         virus,” the statement said. “Saipem Guyana Inc.   Payara is one of the 19 oil-bearing fields
                         has immediately activated all the necessary pro-  found at Stabroek, which is believed to contain
                         cedures and actions to reduce the chances of any   more than 9bn barrels of oil equivalent (boepd).
                         further spread of the virus.”        It is slated to come on stream in 2024 and will be
                           The Italian company has not yet set a new   the third section of the block to start commercial
                         date for the launch. In its statement, it described   development.
                         the decision to postpone the opening as in the   ExxonMobil and its partners have already
                         best interest of everyone involved, including   launched first-phase production at the Liza-1
                         employees, contractors, subcontractors and   site in December 2019 and hope to launch sec-
                         government representatives.          ond-phase work at Liza-2 next year. Fourth-
                           Saipem has said it will use the logistics base   phase development is due to begin at Yellowtail
                         and construction facility to support the tasks it is   in 2025. ™

       Week 20   20•May•2021                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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