Page 10 - LatAmOil Week 20 2021
P. 10

LatAmOil                                        COLOMBIA                                            LatAmOil

                         For its part, the national oil company (NOC)   government revenues by charging taxes on car-
                         Ecopetrol said on the same day that production   bon emissions, LPG, basic services and income.
                         operations were continuing normally at the   Duque abandoned these initiatives earlier this
                         fields that account for most of its output.  month, but the unrest has spread and the gov-
                           Colombia has been gripped by protests since   ernment’s efforts to negotiate a settlement with
                         late April, when the administration of Presi-  the National Strike Committee have not borne
                         dent Ivan Duque announced plans to increase   fruit. ™

       ExxonMobil to restart gas compressor

       on Liza Destiny FPSO next month

                         EXXONMOBIL Guyana is reportedly on track   currently yielding 100,000-110,000 barrels per
                         to re-install and restart the flash gas compressor   day (bpd) of crude oil and is flaring off less than
                         (FGC) system on the Liza Destiny, the floating   15mn cubic feet (424,800 cubic metres) per day
                         production, storage and off-loading (FPSO) ves-  of associated gas, she noted.
                         sel that it is using to develop the offshore Liza-1
                         oilfield, by the end of June.        Revised environmental permit
                           The company, which is a subsidiary of the   She was speaking shortly after Guyana’s Envi-
                         US-based super-major ExxonMobil, said on   ronmental Protection Agency (EPA) revealed
                         May 14 that its contractor MAN Energy Solu-  that it had recalled and modified the company’s
                         tions (Germany) was currently repairing and   environmental permit for work at Liza-1 fol-
                         upgrading the FGC’s third-stage discharge   lowing talks with company representatives on
                         silencer at its workshop in Houston. Meanwhile,   technical and legal matters related to associated
                         it said, MAN is also shipping a re-designed   gas flaring.
                         third-stage Venturi meter to Guyana for instal-  In a notice issued last week, the agency said
                         lation on the FPSO.                  that it had issued a new version of the permit
                           ExxonMobil Guyana also stated that it was   that imposes stricter limits on flaring. The docu-
                         determined to resolve the Liza Destiny’s equip-  ment now stipulates that the company must pay
                         ment problems as quickly as possible and would   a fine of $30 per tonne of carbon dioxide equiv-
                         continue to update the Guyanese government   alent in the event that it burns off gas in larger
                         on the progress of work. In the meantime, Janelle   quantities than previously agreed within specific
                         Persaud, the company’s public and government   amounts of time, it explained.
                         affairs advisor, indicated that production levels   ExxonMobil Guyana has said it will continue
                         at Liza-1 had stabilised.            to communicate with Guyanese authorities
                           “While repairs are ongoing, operations at the   about operating conditions at Liza-1 and other
                         Liza Destiny continue safely,” she said. Liza-1 is   fields within the Stabroek block.

                                                ExxonMobil uses the Liza Destiny FPSO to develop Liza-1 (Image: ExxonMobil)

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 20   20•May•2021
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