Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 20 2021
P. 13

LatAmOil                                         GUYANA                                            LatAmOil

                         “Kwaskwasi was probably the most significant,   more ambiguous results.
                         encountering 278 metres of net oil and vola-  “Sticking with the same play in Suriname,
                         tile oil and gas ... which is the greatest net pay   Petronas also tried to extend the play as well at
                         reported in the basin.”              Sloanea, which we understand to have encoun-
                           Meanwhile, he noted, Malaysia’s Petronas is   tered gas, and we’re holding that it’s probably not
                         also looking at the potential of the Upper Creta-  commercial at the moment,” he was quoted as
                         ceous play at Block 52 offshore Suriname, with   saying by ™

       Outgoing Staatsolie chief comments

       on potential of first three offshore finds

                         RUDOLF Elias, the outgoing managing direc-  producing licence area in Suriname’s offshore
                         tor of Suriname’s national oil company (NOC)   zone. Total and Apache hope to make a final
                         Staatsolie, has said he expects the first three   investment decision (FID) on the development
                         fields found in the country’s offshore zone to   of the block before the end of this year, and
                         yield at least 1.4bn barrels of oil equivalent (boe).  they have already started drawing up plans for
                           In a farewell letter delivered earlier this   extracting oil from the fields they have found
                         week, Elias said that the discovery of commer-  there.
                         cial crude reserves at Maka Central, Sapakara   The partners have indicated that they hope to
                         and Kwaskwasi at Block 58 by Apache (US) and   begin production in 2025, just five years after the
                         Total (France) had lent extra momentum to   first discovery at Maka Central. This would rep-
                         Suriname’s nascent oil industry in 2020. “These   resent a ramp-up that was not only remarkably
                         discoveries alone are expected to produce about   fast but reminiscent of US-based ExxonMobil’s
                         1.4bn barrels of oil equivalent [in] resources   success in bringing Stabroek, a block offshore
                         over time, and they confirm Suriname as a major   the neighbouring country of Guyana, on stream
                         upcoming hydrocarbon province,” he said.  in 2019, just four years after first oil was found at
                           Additionally, he noted that oil had been   the Liza field. ™
                         discovered elsewhere, at a site assigned to two
                         other companies. “Further confirmation [of
                         Suriname’s potential] came in December, with
                         ... partners Petronas and ExxonMobil announc-
                         ing another hydrocarbon discovery with the
                         successful drilling of the Sloanea-1 exploration
                         well in Block 52,” he wrote.
                           He went on to say that he also expected
                         2021 to be a fruitful year. Total and Apache
                         announced their fourth discovery at Block 58,
                         Keskesi, early this year, he noted.
                           Elias is due to step down from his post by the
                         end of May. He will be replaced by Annand Jag-
                         esar, who has been serving as Staatsolie’s deputy
                         director for business development.
                           Block 58 is likely to become the first           Four oilfields have been discovered at Block 58 (Image: Total)

       ANP says Brazilian oil output rose in April

                         BRAZIL’S oil output rose for the second con-  country had extracted a total of 2.97mn barrels
                         secutive month in April, according to new data   per day (bpd) of crude oil last month. This was
                         from the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural   up by 4.6% on the March figure of 2.84mn and
                         Gas and Biofuels (ANP).              was also 0.5% higher than the figure posted in
                           The agency reported earlier this week that the   April 2020, it noted.

       Week 20   20•May•2021                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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