Page 8 - LatAmOil Week 20 2021
P. 8

LatAmOil                                      EL SALVADOR                                           LatAmOil

       Invenergy, BW LNG complete

       financing of FSRU for El Salvador

                         INVENERGY and BW LNG announced this   project’s environmental benefits, saying EDP’s
                         week that they had completed the financing of a   use of natural gas would reduce El Salvador’s
                         floating, storage and regasification unit (FSRU)   reliance on imported diesel and heavy fuel oil-
                         for the Energía del Pacífico (EDP) LNG-to-  fired generation.
                         power project in El Salvador.          “The close of financing for the FSRU repre-
                           The two companies closed the $128.3mn   sents a significant step forward in the comple-
                         financial package for the unit with IDB Invest.   tion of the transformational EDP project, the
                         The package has a 15-year contractual term   foundation for El Salvador’s clean energy future,”
                         granted to FSRU Ltda. de CV in El Salvador.  stated Invenergy’s senior vice-president, finance
                           The funding will be used for the purchase and   and capital markets, Meghan Schultz.
                         conversion of the BW Tatiana LNG carrier to an   “Besides enhancing this project’s compet-
                         FSRU. The vessel will be permanently moored   itiveness, we hope this financing encourages
                         at the Port of Acajutla in Sonsonate, and will be   the development of many more LNG-to-power
                         jointly operated by Invenergy and BW LNG.  projects in the region,” added BW Group’s
                           The facility will be Central America’s first   vice-president of group treasury and corporate
                         FSRU. It will have a regasification capacity of   finance, Jessica Cheung.
                         280mn cubic feet (7.9mn cubic metres) per day   EDP has signed a long-term LNG supply
                         and an LNG storage capacity of 137,000 cubic   agreement with Royal Dutch Shell. ™
                           The LNG received by the vessel will be regas-
                         ified and transported via subsea pipeline to
                         the onshore 378-MW gas-fired power plant. A
                         44-km, 230-kV electric transmission line will
                         connect the power plant’s output to the Central
                         American Electrical Interconnection System
                         (SIEPAC), and the companies said this would
                         strengthen the region’s electric grid.
                           The EDP project is due to be completed in
                         2022, and is expected to meet 30% of El Salva-
                         dor’s energy demand through power purchase
                         agreements (PPAs) with seven of the country’s
                         distribution companies.
                           Invenergy and BW LNG have talked up the   The BW Tatiana LNG carrier will be converted into an FSRU (Image: Invenergy)

                                                US VIRGIN ISL ANDS
       EPA orders 60-day shutdown

       of Limetree Bay oil refinery

                         THE US Environmental Protection Agency   communities and businesses. The latest such
                         (EPA) has ordered Limetree Bay Ventures,   incident, which caused crude and other pollut-
                         the operator of the US Virgin Islands’ only oil   ants to rain down on nearby houses following
                         refinery, to suspend operations for a period of   an emergency burn-off of feedstock on May 12,
                         60 days.                             led the EPA to order a shutdown of the plant last
                           Limetree Bay Ventures has been under fire   week.
                         this spring for a series of incidents in which   The company had already halted operations
                         equipment problems caused droplets of oil to   voluntarily, pending a resolution of the prob-
                         be released into the air, to the dismay of local   lems that led to the release of oil on May 12.

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 20   20•May•2021
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