Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 20 2021
P. 15

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       UPSTREAM                               Operational Highlights: Average produc-  $11mn, and the well’s estimated payback period
                                           tion volumes grew in aggregate by 7.3% to 3,226  is under 3 months.
       Trinity Exploration                 bpd in 2020 (2019: 3,007 bpd). This increase   PetroRio, May 11 2021
                                           was achieved despite no new drilling during
       announces preliminary               the Period. Created strategic framework to
                                           meaningfully scale the business. Acquisition  DOWNSTREAM
       results for FY2020                  of Onshore 3D & 2D Seismic Data package.
                                           MOU with NGC to Explore and Develop New
       Trinity Exploration & Production, the inde-  Energy Projects. Established partnership with a   Petrobras beats S-10
       pendent E&P company focused on Trinidad and  large international operator. Continued roll out   diesel sales record
       Tobago, has announced its unaudited prelimi-  of wellsite automation and the digitalisation of
       nary results for the 12 months ended December  operations. Driving efficiencies and increasing  In April, Petrobras beat the S-10 low sulphur
       31, 2020.                           recovery rates. Reducing carbon emissions.  diesel sales record, reaching the 437,000 bpd
         This was a year of both strong performance   Licence Renewals: Renewal of Onshore LOAs  mark, a 4.4% increase compared to the previous
       and wider development as the Group positioned  with Heritage is expected imminently. Acquisi-  record of 418,000 bpd, set in March 2021. Also
       itself to deliver a step change in scale, establish-  tion of Onshore PS-4 Block. Further enhances  in April, total diesel sales reached 824,000 bpd,
       ing a broader opportunity set from which to  Trinity’s contiguous acreage.  representing a growth of 59% when compared
       grow. Furthermore, while the depressed oil   Continued momentum into Q1-2021: Q1  to sales in the same month of 2020. In the com-
       price impacted revenues and profits, the Group  production levels resilient with volumes aver-  parison with April 2019, without the impacts on
       proved its resilience, with cash flows remaining  aging 3,107 bpd (Q4-2020: 3,202 bpd). Cash  demand arising from the pandemic, there was a
       strong.                             balance of $20.0mn as at March 31, 2021 (unau-  growth of 12%.
         Importantly, in order to further enhance  dited) ($20.2mn as at December 31, 2020)   Petrobras’ increased participation in the die-
       Trinity’s standing in the region and drive the  despite increased investment in growth initia-  sel market and the growth in S-10 sales gener-
       business forward the Group established part-  tives occurring in Q1-2021. Average realisation  ated diesel revenue of $4.6bn in Q1-2021, 24%
       nerships with significant industry players, grew  of $52.3 per barrel for Q1 (Q1-2020: $46.3 per  more than in Q4-2020. This increase reflects
       its portfolio and leveraged datasets and rela-  barrel).                 the company’s actions to mitigate the effects of
       tionships - with a view to creating a roadmap   Trinity Exploration, May 18 2021  the COVID-19 pandemic on fuel demand and
       for significantly increased production over the                          efforts to expand the supply of high value-added
       medium term by building on its strong existing   PetroRio announces      derivatives with less impact on the environment.
       base.                                                                      “This expansion of the S-10 diesel supply is
         The Group was profitable at an operating   successful Polvo field      one of the company’s projects to offer products
       level in 2020, despite the material reduction                            with higher added value and less emissions. We
       in the realised oil price, with a 46% increase in   drilling result      are thus seeking better operational performance
       the year-end cash balance to $20.2mn (2019:                              and more competitiveness in the new refining
       $13.8mn) and a 25% increase in the net cash  PetroRio has announced the results of drilling in  market,” says Cláudio Mastella, the company’s
       plus working capital surplus of $21.7mn (2019:  the Polvo field’s Eocene reservoir, which resulted  Commercialisation and Logistics director.
       $17.3mn).                           in a well, POL-K, with initial production of 2,500   In line with its Strategic Plan, Petrobras is
         Financial Highlights: Revenues of $44.1mn  bpd of oil, still in the assessment period.  adapting its refining park to expand the pro-
       (2019: $63.9mn) - reflecting the significantly   This highly satisfying result, following the  duction of the S-10 Diesel fuel, which has low
       lower average realised oil price in 2020. Cash  POL-L drilling in 2020, confirms the potential  sulphur content. Adjustments are planned for
       operating costs down 7% to $13.9 per barrel  of the Eocene reservoir, the volume of which is  the Duque de Caxias Refinery (REDUC), the
       (2019: $15.0 per barrel). Adjusted EBITDA of  already accounted for in the latest reserves cer-  Paulínia Refinery (REPLAN), and the Henrique
       $12.3mn (2019: $21.8mn). Adjusted EBITDA  tification report. The well’s estimated recover-  Lage Refinery (REVAP), in São José dos Cam-
       margin of 28% (2019 34%) or $11.4 per bar-  able production of approximately 4mn barrels  pos. The expectation is to increase S-10 diesel
       rel (2019: $19.8 per barrel). Adjusted EBITDA  of oil will be reclassified from Proved Undevel-  production by up to 16,500 cubic metres per
       after SPT & PT of $12.0mn (2019: $13.9mn).  oped Reserves to Proved Developed Producing  day with the implementation of these additional
       Group operating break-even price reduced by  Reserves.                   projects.
       24% to $20.1 per barrel (2019: $26.4 per barrel).   The increase in production takes the Polvo   With this, the S-10 production, which cur-
       Cash balance of $20.2mn (2019: $13.8mn). Net  field’s production to a 12,000 bpd level and con-  rently represents 50% of Petrobras’ total diesel
       cash (cash minus $2.7mn drawn working cap-  tributes to a reduced lifting cost. This incremen-  production, will reach practically 100% by 2025.
       ital facility) of $17.5mn (2019: $13.8mn). Cash  tal production will also benefit from the lower  The interventions will increase the quality of the
       plus working capital surplus of $21.7mn (2019:  royalty rate of 5%, approved by ANP in early  diesel fuel produced, promoting the reduction
       $17.3mn).                           2020. The well’s CAPEX was approximately  of the sulphur content (from 500 ppm to only 10
                                                                                ppm), with the aim of meeting the specifications
                                                                                of the local and international markets, in addi-
                                                                                tion to environmental requirements.
                                                                                  The use of the S-10 Diesel allows diesel
                                                                                vehicles to use more modern technologies and
                                                                                promotes the improvement of the fuel’s perfor-
                                                                                mance in the engines, with positive impacts on
                                                                                the reduction of particulate matter emissions by
                                                                                up to 80%, and of nitrogen oxides by up to 98%.

       Week 20   20•May•2021                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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