Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 41 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            flow per share the company has generated   Cunningham Energy is an independent
                                           both organically and through the strategic   producer of oil and gas. Cunningham Energy
       Tamarack Valley Energy              Clearwater acquisitions across 2022 which   conducts operations and oil and gas interests
                                                                                in the Appalachian Basin with over 30,000
                                           drive accretion at flat pricing of $55/barrel
       announces closing of                WTI and $2.50/GJ AECO.               plus net acres of leasehold. Cunningham
                                             Tamarack is also pleased to announce
                                                                                Energy was formed in 2008 and was a
       previously announced                the close of its three-year covenant-based   pioneer of shallow horizontal oil drilling in
                                           sustainability-linked lending facility (SLL
                                                                                West Virginia starting in 2014. During its
       Deltastream Energy                  facility), which is transformational to the   future phase 1 development program in West
                                           company’s debt capital structure. The SLL
                                                                                Virginia, Cunningham Energy is to permit,
       Corporation acquisition and         facility increased to $700mn and is paired   drill, and complete 20 Shallow horizontal Big
                                                                                Injun, Weir, and Berea Sandstone Oil wells
                                           with a CAD260mn two-year secured
       leadership changes                  amortising term-loan from a syndicate of   to fulfil legacy drilling and lease obligations.
                                                                                Identified currently are 68 potential
       Tamarack Valley Energy is pleased to   TAMARACK VALLEY ENERGY, October 13, 2022  development well sites on existing leases with
       announce that it has successfully closed                                 plans to expand the company’s leasehold
       the previously announced acquisition of   HNRC completes                 footprint through future acquisitions and
       Deltastream Energy Corporation, a privately                              leasing.
       held pure-play Clearwater oil producer.   acquisition of interest in       Cunningham Energy of Canada Inc. also
       Tamarack acquired all of the issued and                                  controls an interest in more than 965,000
       outstanding common shares of Deltastream   Cunningham Energy             acres in the Matapedia Valley, Gaspesie,
       for total consideration of CAD1.425bn                                    Quebec Canada from Marzcorp on a 75%
       comprised of 80mn common shares of   Houston Natural Resources Corp (HNRC)   NRI (net revenue interest) basis through
       Tamarack, CAD300mn of deferred acquisition  announced today that it has completed the   an executed Farmout Agreement. Over
       payment notes and CAD825mn in cash.  acquisition interest in Cunningham Energy,   $14mn has been spent on the project to
         The acquisition further solidifies Tamarack   effective September 19, 2022.  date through collaboration with Marzcorp.
       as the largest producer in the Clearwater oil   An independent engineering company   Fifteen core holes have been completed with
       fairway. The acquired assets are forecasted   has completed an evaluation of the Oil & Gas   three bringing hydrocarbons to surface on
       to produce an average of ~23,000 boepd   Assets of Cunningham Energy. The appraised   production test.
       and deliver ~CAD500mn of EBITDA, in   value of the company’s leasehold position as   HOUSTON NATURAL RESOURCES CORP.,
       2023. Current production on the acquired   of May 18, 2022, is $218mn, assuming the   October 11, 2022
       assets is ~19,500 boepd. Tamarack expects   current proposed 40 well drilling programme
       to realise synergies in gas conservation and   is completed. The acquisition of the 9%   Benchmark Energy acquires
       infrastructure projects, lowering the GHG   interest of Cunningham Energy, in cash and
       intensity of the Tamarack Clearwater asset   securities, is valued at $19,620,000, which   producing properties in the
       portfolio.                          increases the company asset value by $0.39c
         As previously announced, and in   per share to $2.82 per share from $2.43   Western Anadarko Basin
       conjunction with the closing of the   per share, up 16% as reported in their Q2
       Acquisition, Tamarack has increased its base   financials an August 1, 2022, based on the   Benchmark Energy announced today that the
       monthly dividend by 25% to CAD0.0125   current shares outstanding.       company recently completed the acquisition
       per month beginning with the November   With this acquisition, the company further   of producing and undeveloped oil and gas
       declaration with an expected payment date   expands its interest in oil, natural gas and   assets in the Western Anadarko Basin from a
       of December 15, 2022. The increase in   oilfield services properties. It further expands   private seller. The Assets include over 13,000
       Tamarack’s monthly cash dividend reflects   its overall business interest to Canada and is   net acres primarily in Roberts and Hemphill
       the improvement in sustainable free funds   looking to increase expansion internationally.  Counties in Texas, and an interest in over 150
                                                                                wells, the majority of which are operated.
                                                                                  The acquisition is Benchmark’s second
                                                                                investment to date. In March 2021, the
                                                                                company acquired assets in the STACK play of
                                                                                Central Oklahoma and successfully monetised
                                                                                the position in April 2022.
                                                                                  The company is run by an experienced
                                                                                management team led by chief executive
                                                                                officer Kirk Goehring. Mr. Goehring
                                                                                previously served as chief operating officer
                                                                                of both Benchmark and Jones Energy. Mr.
                                                                                Goehring commented: “We are excited to
                                                                                re-enter the Anadarko Basin through this
                                                                                platform investment. The Mid-Continent
                                                                                value proposition remains very compelling
                                                                                in the current environment. These properties
                                                                                exhibit stable production, diversified product

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 41   13•October•2022
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