Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 41 2022
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       EIA: crude inventories surge by almost

       10mn barrels on SPR release

        US               US crude inventories rose by 9.9mn barrels in   Stockpiles of distillates have remained low
                         the week ended October 7, according to official  due to heavy global demand and issues with
                         figures from the Energy Information Adminis-  refineries in the United States and France,
                         tration (EIA).                       reported the news service.
                           Crude stocks rose to 439.1mn barrels.  Demand for heating oil always rises in the
                           The government released 7.7mn barrels from  winter months. According to the EIA, most US
                         the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). More  households will spend more money on energy
                         may be released because of OPEC+’s production  this winter compared with last winter because of
                         cuts, said the White House recently.  higher retail energy prices and a slightly colder
                           Analysts in a Reuters poll – taken before the  winter.
                         SPR release – had expected a 1.8mn barrel rise   According to the EIA, petrol inventories rose
                         in stockpiles.                       by 2.0mn barrels to 8% below the five-year range
                           Stockpiles were some 1% below the 5-year  for this time of year.
                         average for this time of the year during the week   Retail prices have been at record levels in the
                         ending October 7, said EIA.          US. President Joe Biden recently said that prices
                           But distillate stockpiles – which include heat-  are still too high and that he will address the issue
                         ing oil and diesel – fell by 4.9mn to 106.1mn  publicly during the week of October 17.
                         barrels. Expectations had been a drop of 2mn   Exports of petroleum products increased to
                         barrels. It was their lowest level since May,  their highest level ever, of 7.1mn barrels per day
                         reported Reuters.                    (bpd), said the EIA.
                           The EIA said that the distillate inventories   That comes as refiners have been operating
                         were approximately 23% below the 5-year aver-  at above-average levels to boost their stockpiles,
                         age for this time of year.           though that has diminished slightly in recent
                           “Ongoing concerns on the diesel front is war-  days.  Refinery crude runs dropped by 278,000
                         ranted with another 4.8mn draw there,” Tony  bpd for the week ending October 7, while refin-
                         Headrick, energy market analyst at CHS Hedg-  ery utilisation rates decreased by 1.4% to 89.9%
                         ing, told the news service.          of total capacity.™

       US oil rig count continues rising

        NORTH AMERICA    US drillers added seven oil and gas rigs in the  Wyoming was up three to 22, while Ohio’s count
                         week that ended on October 14, the fourth time  increased by two to 12. Louisiana and Pennsyl-
                         in five weeks that Baker Hughes’ count has risen.  vania gained one rig apiece to achieve 63 and 24
                         This is up 226 from October of last year.  rotary rigs operational.
                           Six of the rotary rigs were onshore and one   For its part, New Mexico was down four rigs
                         additional rig was offshore compared with a  to 109, Alaska and Colorado were down one to 9
                         week ago.                            and 20 operational.
                           A higher rig count is an early sign of future   In Canada, the count was up by one this
                         output.                              week, and up by 48 compared with a year ago.
                           Oil rigs were up eight from a week ago, with  Two additional rigs were drilling for oil this week
                         610 rigs operating, the highest since March 2010.  in Canada, up to 150, while gas rigs were down
                         At 157 gas rigs working, the count was one fewer.  one to 66.
                         It was the lowest gas count since July.  A Moody’s October 10 report showed North
                           West Texas Intermediate (WTI) contracts as  American oil and gas producers have reduced
                         of October 14 had fallen 7.6% for the week com-  debt by $26bn in the three years since 2019. And
                         pared with 6.4% for Brent. There are global fears  a Deloitte report in August had said that if com-
                         of recession. Oil prices are relatively high.  modities prices stay strong and producers dou-
                           In the US, Texas led the rig count with  ble down on capital discipline, then US shale
                         365 operational, up five from a week earlier.  companies could be debt-free by 2024.™

       Week 41   13•October•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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