Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 41 2022
P. 9

NorthAmOil                           PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                        NorthAmOil

       EOG reported to have paid $84mn

       in third quarter to settle hedges

        US               US shale oil and gas producer EOG Resources  natural gas prices have remained strong, with an
                         has disclosed that it paid $847mn during the  average of almost $8 per million British Thermal
                         third quarter of this year to settle hedges on  Units in the third quarter compared to some
                         energy prices. The disclosure came in a regula-  $7.60 in the second quarter.
                         tory filing this week.                 EOG’s second-quarter earnings were $2.74
                           Settling a hedge in this sort of situation occurs  earnings per share, well below the $4.25 that ana-
                         when a company bets the wrong way on oil and/  lysts expected. But the company had revenues
                         or gas prices. This occurs because oil and gas  of $7.41bn during the quarter, compared with
                         producers often enter hedge contracts – most  a consensus estimate of $5.58bn. Its quarterly
                         especially when prices are volatile – to guarantee  revenue was up 79.0% compared to the same
                         sales at a fixed price.              quarter last year.
                           Energy prices have soared especially since   In early August, the company had said that it
                         Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February, but in  intended to deliver approximately 4% oil and gas
                         late September oil settled at a nine-month low as  volume growth in 2022 and 2023. Inflation and
                         the dollar strengthened.             supply chain problems have dented expectations,
                           According to Reuters, US crude had averaged  said company executives, and inflation could
                         some $91.65 per barrel in the third quarter of  continue to dog the market throughout next year.
                         2022, ended September 30, below the $108 aver-  “Oilfield service capacity remains extremely
                         age of the second quarter.           tight and is further constrained by the limited
                           The price of crude had soared to some $120  availability of materials and experienced labour,”
                         per barrel in June but has since dropped to the  added chief operating officer Billy Helms in a call
                         $80s amidst fears of a global economic recession.  with investors, adding that the situation could
                           In contrast, the news service reported that  continue into 2023.™

                                               ENERGY TRANSITION

       ExxonMobil unveils CCS project in Louisiana

        LOUISIANA        A landmark emissions reduction project in Lou-  “CF Industries is pleased to partner with
                         isiana has been announced. ExxonMobil, CF  ExxonMobil through this definitive CO2 offtake
                         Industries and EnLink Midstream are planning  agreement, accelerating our decarbonisation
                         to collaborate on the largest-of-its-kind com-  journey and supporting Louisiana’s and the
                         mercial agreement to capture and permanently  country’s climate goals,” said Tony Will, presi-
                         store up to 2mn tonnes per year (tpy) of carbon  dent and chief executive officer, CF Industries
                         dioxide (CO2) emissions.             Holdings.
                           The CO2 will be captured from CF Industries’   “As we leverage proven carbon capture and
                         manufacturing complex in Louisiana.  sequestration technology, CF Industries will
                           Start-up for the project is scheduled for early  be first-to-market with a significant volume
                         2025, say the companies. The project will sup-  of blue ammonia. This will enable us to supply
                         port Louisiana’s objective of net-zero CO2 emis-  this low-carbon energy source to hard-to-abate
                         sions by 2050, they add.             industries that increasingly view it as critical to
                           ExxonMobil will develop a 125,000-acre  their own decarbonisation goals.”
                         (51-hectare) CO2 geologic storage site in   Dan Ammann, president of ExxonMobil
                         Vermilion Parish, Louisiana. The CO2 will be  Low Carbon Solutions, added: “This landmark
                         transported there from CF’s manufacturing  project represents large-scale, real-world pro-
                         complex through EnLink Midstream’s pipeline  gress on the journey to decarbonise the global
                         network.                             economy.”
                           CF Industries is investing as much as $200mn   The project may be followed by others.
                         to build a CO2 dehydration and compression  Ammann added: “ExxonMobil is providing
                         unit at its Donaldsonville, Louisiana facility  a critical and scalable solution to reduce CO2
                         to enable captured CO2 to be transported and  emissions, and we’re ready to offer the same ser-
                         stored.                              vice to other large industrial customers in the
                           The 2mn tonnes of emissions captured annu-  state of Louisiana and around the world. We’re
                         ally will be equivalent to replacing approximately  encouraged by the momentum we see building
                         700,000 gasoline-powered cars with electric  for projects of this kind, thanks to supportive
                         vehicles (EVs) , said the companies.  policies such as the Inflation Reduction Act.”™

       Week 41   13•October•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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