Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 41 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       mix, and attractive capital investment   acres located primarily in Caddo and DeSoto   international market.
       opportunities. We continue to seek out new   Parishes, Louisiana, for $6,226,489. These   “We plan to sell a total of four carbon-
       investments to add to our portfolio.”   acquisitions are predominately located in the   compensated crude oil cargoes this year,”
         Equity financing for the acquisition was led   same focus area of the Haynesville Shale as the  said Pedro Manrique, Ecopetrol commercial
       by McArron Partners, alongside members of   Company’s previously closed royalty acreage   vice president, “and we hope to achieve this
       management. Jonny Jones, CEO of McArron   acquisitions where drilling activity continues   goal by working closely with companies like
       stated: “The current dislocation in the oil and   to accelerate. The new royalty acreage   CITGO and others who share our vision on
       gas market creates an attractive entry point   acquisitions represent a full redeployment of   energy transition and decarbonisation. It is
       for long-term investment opportunities.   net proceeds received by the Company for the   essential as an industry to contribute to the
       The Benchmark team has a demonstrated   working interest divestiture.    goals that the world has set for climate change
       track record of value creation across market   Chad Stephens, president and CEO, said:   mitigation.”
       cycles, and we look forward to our continued   “These transactions are a continuation of   As part of the transaction, Ecopetrol
       partnership.”                       our strategy to high grade PHX’s asset base   has arranged for carbon offsets for both the
         The company also announced it has   by divesting legacy non-operated working   emissions of the cargo itself, equivalent to
       entered into a credit agreement with West   interest wellbores and reinvesting the   16,000 tonnes of CO2e and, for the first time,
       Texas National Bank of Midland, Texas, to   proceeds in higher margin royalty minerals in   the emissions associated with the maritime
       provide additional funding for the transaction   our core areas of focus.  transportation of the crude to the CITGO
       as well as potential future acquisitions.  “Also, we anticipate the core focus areas   terminal in the US Gulf Coast (USGC),
       BENCHMARK ENERGY, October 13, 2022  in which we are acquiring minerals to be the   estimated on 1.110 tonnes of CO2e. Both will
                                           leading basins in US natural gas production   be offset by carbon credits generated through
                                           growth over the next several years. Reputable,   a Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) certified
       MOVES                               well-capitalised operators are actively   natural climate solutions project located
                                           developing these areas. As such, we expect   in Colombia’s western region. The project
       PHX Minerals announces              royalty volumes to continue to increase from   reduces deforestation and degradation of
                                                                                forests, protects its biodiversity, and supports
                                           the development of acquired minerals in
       closing of previously               future quarters, which will drive higher future   local communities.
                                           cash flows.”
                                                                                  “CITGO is pleased to participate in
       announced working interest          PHX MINERALS, October 12, 2022       this important initiative that protects the
                                                                                environment and reduces greenhouse gas
       divestiture and additional          ENERGY TRANSITION                    emissions,” said Karl Schmidt, CITGO vice
                                                                                president supply and marketing. “Purchasing
       mineral acquisitions                                                     this cargo from Ecopetrol, a great partner
                                                                                with a firm commitment to decarbonisation,
       PHX Minerals today announced that it has   Ecopetrol and CITGO           inspires us to advance our efforts in this area.”
       closed on the previously announced sale of all   Transaction to offset carbon  The carbon compensation for the
       its remaining legacy non-operated working                                Ecopetrol/CITGO transaction offsets direct
       interest wellbores in the Fayetteville Shale   A carbon compensated crude oil cargo sold   emissions generated along the crude oil value
       play in Arkansas to an undisclosed buyer for a   by Ecopetrol and purchased by CITGO   chain, which includes production, dilution,
       total of $6,050,000. This divestiture represents   Petroleum is currently making its way to   transportation into the Coveñas terminal
       210 gross legacy wellbores and removes   the CITGO Corpus Christi refinery for   located on the Atlantic Coast of Colombia and
       approximately $212,000 in asset retirement   processing. The recent transaction supports   maritime transportation to Corpus Christi,
       obligation from the company’s balance   Ecopetrol’s objectives on energy transition and  Texas.
       sheet. On a pro forma basis, PHX has 789   decarbonisation.                The Ecopetrol Group plans to achieve net
       gross legacy non-operated working interest   The 500,000-barrel cargo of Ecopetrol   zero carbon emissions for Scope 1 and 2 by
       wellbores remaining.                Castilla Blend® is the company’s flagship   2050.
         Additionally, PHX completed the   crude oil and one of the main references   ECOPETROL, October 10, 2022
       acquisition of approximately 575 net royalty   of heavy crude in the region and the

       Week 41   13•October•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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