Page 15 - GLNG Week 38 2021
P. 15

GLNG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              GLNG

       has greatly accelerated through the use of   natural gas and look to further expand on   milestone on Brittany Ferries’ journey
       regulatory incentives such as the alternative   this success.”           towards fleet renewal and energy transition.
       fuel tax credit, which encourages companies   “Providing our customers an   It also reaffirms the long-term partnership
       to adjust operations and make investments   environmentally beneficial fuel source is   between the French ferry firm and fuel
       in assets that reduce carbon intensity.  JAX LNG’s goal,” said Tim Casey, SVP of   supplier Repsol.
         Produced from the decomposition   NorthStar Midstream, which shares 50%   “This is welcome news and I applaud
       of organic waste, RNG is compatible   ownership of JAX LNG. “Supplying LNG   Repsol and our port partners in Bilbao
       with existing natural gas infrastructure,   sourced from RNG further supports our   for driving this forward,” said Christophe
       providing a practical and replicable source   commitment to aid the shipping industry’s   Mathieu Brittany Ferries CEO. “The
       of energy that mitigates and repurposes   transition to a net-zero emissions future.”  move to cleaner, green fuels relies on an
       carbon emissions. For this bunkering event,   “RNG offers highly flexible pathways to   integrated approach that connects vehicles
       RTCs were matched to the physical LNG   reducing transportation emissions. We are   with fuel suppliers and other important
       loaded into the Clean Jacksonville to create   glad to be part of these forward-thinking   partners like ports. We look forward to the
       the RLNG/LNG blended product.       initiatives to decarbonize large-scale   completion of works in the months to come
         JAX LNG is the long-term supplier to the   logistics operations,” said Angela Schwarz,   and to the arrival of our first LNG-powered
       two LNG-fueled container vessels—the Isla   Co-President and CEO of Element Markets.  ship.”
       Bella and the Perla del Caribe—that TOTE                                   The Bilbao terminal will have a cryogenic
       Maritime Puerto Rico utilizes to reliably   JAX LNG                      tank with a storage capacity of 1,000m3,
       transport goods between Jacksonville and                                 which permits the natural gas to be kept in
       Puerto Rico.                        LNG bunker terminal                  a liquid state at -160°C. The flexible design
         “We’re proud to partner with JAX LNG,                                  of the terminal will allow it to service
       which has continued to solidify its position   construction begins in    different vessels in the future, representing
       as the industry leader in the clean fuel                                 an important decarbonisation opportunity
       revolution,” said Mike Noone, President   Bilbao                         for port operations.
       of TOTE Maritime Puerto Rico. “RNG                                         This project involves an investment of
       is a clean, drop-in fuel source that can   Brittany Ferries welcomes the start of   more than €10 million by Repsol.  The Port
       be readily deployed for use today, since   construction of LNG bunker facilities in   Authority of Santander has already begun
       it needs no new equipment to capture or   Bilbao. Fuel giant Repsol has confirmed the   work on the second facility, on the quay
       transport it.”                      news which paves the way for the arrival   where the bunker station will be located.
         “We are always looking for ways to meet   of Brittany Ferries’ first LNG powered-ship   Both Spanish terminals are to be co-
       the energy needs of our customers and help   Salamanca. Work on the bunker terminal   financed by the European Commission
       them reduce their environmental footprint,”   be completed in the first half of next year,   through the CEF- Connecting Europe
       said Roger Williams, VP Commercial LNG   coinciding with the ship’s arrival.  Facilities Programme.
       and Gas Development at BHE GT&S, the   Salamanca will serve UK-Spain routes
       parent company of Pivotal LNG, which   and will be joined by a second LNG-  BRITTANY FERRIES
       holds 50% ownership of JAX LNG. “TOTE   powered vessel called Santoña arriving in
       Maritime Puerto Rico has always been at   2023. A separate LNG bunker facility will
       the forefront of the shipping industry in   be constructed by Repsol in Santander and
       that regard. We are proud that this RLNG   preparatory work is already taking place.
       bunkering event can serve as an example of   Construction of the LNG bunker
       what is possible in the realm of renewable   terminal in Bilbao represents an important

       Week 38   24•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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