Page 14 - GLNG Week 38 2021
P. 14

GLNG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             GLNG

                                                                                has made an agreement to order the new
                                                                                next-generation of environmentally friendly
                                                                                car carriers from Nihon Shipyard, Shin
                                                                                Kurushima Dockyard and China Merchants
                                                                                Jinling Shipyard. Each shipyard will build at
                                                                                least two of the vessels.
                                                                                  Next-generation of environmentally
                                                                                friendly vessels are expected to reduce
                                                                                emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), which
                                                                                is a greenhouse gas (GHG), by 25% to 30%,
                                                                                emissions of sulphur oxides (SOx), which
                                                                                cause air pollution, by almost 100%, and
       objectives.”                        Energies, Saipem and Nipigas.        emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by
         Florin Spătaru, member of the Board of   The two first pipe-rack modules   80% to 90% with use of LNG fuel and EGR
       Directors of Damen Shipyards Mangalia:   weighing approximately nine thousand tons   (Exhaust Gas Recirculation), compared to
       “We are pleased to see the collaboration   each were shipped from the Zhoushan port   conventional vessels using heavy fuel oil.
       between two industry leaders in Romania   in China to the Novatek-Murmansk LNG   In K Line Environmental Vision 2050,
       and beyond, who made possible a premiere:   construction centre and will be further   we have set the 2030 interim target of
       it is the first time such a ship is built in   skidded onto the gravity base structure, or   improving CO2 emission efficiency by
       Romania and this proves that the Romanian   GBS, platform of LNG Train 1. The next two  50% over 2008, surpassing the IMO target
       naval industry is able to implement very   modules have been loaded onto a transport   of 40% improvement. We are planning to
       complex and innovative projects with high   ship and are on transit to Murmansk.  substitute LNG fuel and other new fuels for
       technological level”.                  Overall, 14 modules will be delivered   conventional heavy fuel oil to achieve the
         The first LNG delivery in Romania, made   from contractors’ shipyards for the first   targets set forth.
       by OMV Petrom, implied coordinating   LNG train. The Arctic LNG 2 project is   In accordance with K Line
       and managing for the first time a complex   progressing on schedule, and the successful   Environmental Vision 2050, we will flexibly
       process in which several partner companies   delivery of the first modules represents an   and proactively listen to customer demands
       were involved, while being compliant with   important milestone towards launching the   including environmental issues and find the
       all safety measures. This translated into two   project on time.         best solution to contribute to the sustainable
       separate transports of two tankers each,   Arctic LNG 2 envisages constructing   development of the society.
       which fueled the tank of the first LNG   three LNG liquefaction trains of 6.6mn
       operated ship in Romania.           tonnes per year each for the total LNG   K LINE
         By cooling natural gas at -162°C and   capacity of 19.8mn tonnes, as well as
       through liquefaction it reduces its volume   cumulative gas condensate production   JAX LNG and TOTE complete
       by approximately 600 times compared to   capacity of 1.6mn tpy. The project will
       the gaseous state. Thus, it can be stored   utilise an innovative construction concept   first renewable LNG
       and transported safely over very long   of gravity-based structure (GBS) platforms
       distances, with higher economic and energy   to reduce overall capital cost and minimise   bunkering in US
       efficiency. LNG is a transitional alternative   the project’s environmental footprint in
       for a cleaner transport, especially for the   the Arctic zone of Russia. As of December   JAX LNG, a small-scale LNG facility located
       transport segments that are more difficult   31, 2020, the Utrenneye field’s 2P reserves   along the St. John’s River in Jacksonville,
       to decarbonize such as heavy road freight   under PRMS totaled 1.434 trillion cubic   recently completed the first fueling of a
       and naval transport. By using LNG in   metres of natural gas and 90mn tonnes of   marine vessel in the United States with
       transportation, the CO2 emissions decrease   liquids.                    a blend of LNG and renewable liquefied
       by 15%, the nitrogen oxide emissions drop   The project’s participants include:   natural gas (RLNG).
       by 50% and the heavy particles are 99%   Novatek (60%), TotalEnergies (10%), CNPC   JAX LNG loaded the RLNG/LNG blend
       lower.                              (10%), CNOOC (10%) and the Japan Arctic   into the Clean Jacksonville bunker barge
         In addition, LNG does not generate   LNG, consortium of Mitsui & Co, Ltd. and   to fuel the Isla Bella. The Isla Bella is the
       sulfur emissions and this way is compliant   JOGMEC (10%).               world’s first LNG-powered container ship
       with the strict provisions of International                              and was put into service by TOTE Maritime
       Maritime Organization.              ARCTIC LNG-2                         Puerto Rico in 2015. Element Markets
                                                                                supplied the renewable natural gas (RNG)
                                           K Line to procure eight LNG-         thermal certificates (RTCs). Using RLNG
       OMV PETROM                                                               used to produce the RLNG via renewable
       First modules delivered for  fuelled car carriers                        to fuel marine vessels is a readily available
                                                                                pathway to net-zero emissions by 2050.
       the Arctic LNG 2 project            Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (K Line) has   RLNG’s emissions profile as a maritime
                                                                                fuel is superior even to that of LNG, which
                                           decided to procure eight 7,000 units class
       Arctic LNG 2 on September 21 announced   car carriers fuelled by LNG by FY2023 to   already reduces greenhouse gas emissions
       that the first modules for LNG Train 1   FY2025, following our first LNG-fueled   by more than 25% over ultra-low sulfur
       were successfully delivered by the Project’s   vessel, Century Highway Green, which   diesel.
       EPC contractor, a joint venture of Technip   was delivered on March 12, 2021. K Line   Decarbonization of the transport sector

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 38   24•September•2021
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