Page 10 - GLNG Week 38 2021
P. 10
DNG, Masana unveil plans for pilot LNG
project targeting transport sector
SOUTH AFRICA BODNG Energy of South Africa is expanding its models aligned with our low-carbon participa-
effort to promote the use of LNG as a transport tion strategy.”
DNG Energy of South fuel through the launch of a pilot project with For his part, Aldworth Mbalati, the CEO
Africa is expanding Masana Petroleum Solutions, one of its own of DNG, described the pilot project as a proof-
its effort to promote subsidiaries. of-concept initiative that could help establish a
the use of LNG as a In a statement, DNG said it intended to work cost-effective path toward reducing emissions in
transport fuel through with Masana, its petroleum and energy arm, to key sectors of the economy. “LNG is a cheaper
the launch of a pilot roll out the pilot programme in the fourth quar- alternative to petrol and diesel, is in abundant
project with Masana ter of 2021. It explained that it would be supply- supply and will save the various industries in
Petroleum Solutions, ing LNG to at least one of Masana’s customers terms of service costs, as service intervals are
one of its own over a period of up to six months. longer,” he said. “We therefore see no reason
subsidiaries. The statement did not reveal which Masana why LNG cannot become the fuel of choice
customer would receive the LNG. It did note, today, especially as natural gas vehicles, includ-
though, that DNG would be responsible for sup- ing trucks and buses, are already in production,
plying the fuel in the required volumes and for and [LNG] is proven to be less harmful to the
installing the cryogenic equipment needed to environment.”
store and dispense fuel to the customer’s vehicles. Mbalati also pointed out that LNG’s advan-
Additionally, the company will provide Masana tages were not confined to the transport sector.
with training and support during the course of “In addition to the transport diesel market, the
the pilot project. availability of utility-scale LNG in South Africa
DNG said it hoped the pilot project would lay will afford the wider industrial and commer-
the groundwork for expanding the use of LNG cial customers in the manufacturing, power
as a transport fuel in South Africa. This would generation, mining and agricultural segments
have environmental benefits, as LNG is a clean- an opportunity to reduce their cost of energy
er-burning fuel than diesel, the main type of fuel use and carbon tax,” he said. “We look forward
used in road transport, it noted. to the pilot and sharing the results with the
Morena Sithole, the managing director of market.”
Masana, said the pilot project was in line with DNG went public with news of the pilot pro-
his company’s efforts to identify and meet its cus- ject shortly after announcing that it had teamed
tomers’ needs and priorities. “The world is tran- up with Imperial Logistics, another South Afri-
sitioning to a lower-carbon future, and we aim to can company, to test the use of LNG as an alter-
support our customers through this transition,” native to diesel. This initiative will be carried out
he commented. “This partnership offers Masana over a period of six months, with DNG to pro-
an opportunity to learn together and iden- vide LNG along with the equipment necessary to
tify key success factors to scale up commercial store it and dispense it into Imperial’s trucks.
P10 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 38 24•September•2021