Page 9 - GLNG Week 38 2021
P. 9
First Nations enter LNG NL project
CANADA FIRST Nation groups from Canada’s eastern permission expected to be relatively simple to
Newfoundland and Labrador Province have secure given that there were 32 acres (129,500
Hydropower will make announced plans to invest in a local liquefied square metres) of land available for development.
the facility cleaner. natural gas (LNG) that will target the European FNMPC said Miawpukek First Nation and
market. Miawpukek Horizon Maritime Services had
The First Nations Major Projects Coalition engaged it in July to provide technical advice,
(FNMPC) said on September 21 it would part- co-ordination and support to LNG NL.
ner with Miawpukek First Nation (MFN) on “Producing some of the world’s cleanest LNG
the CAD10bn ($7.84bn) LNG Newfoundland aligns well with the values of our First Nation.
& Labrador (LNG NL) project. FNMPC added Furthermore, the benefits by way of own source
that this was the first time that the province’s revenue generation and the jobs this project will
First Nations had invested in an offshore energy create for our community members [are] sig-
project. nificant and a big part of our plan for self-suf-
An official signing ceremony of a project ficiency,” Miawpukek First Nation Chief Misel
framework agreement was held at the New- Joe said.
foundland Offshore Industries Association Power, meanwhile, said the project would be
(NOIA) on September 21. able to produce such clean LNG owing to the fact
The LNG NL project involves installing a cen- that it would run on hydropower.
tral processing platform near to four producing “Now is the time to develop Newfoundland
oilfields in the Jeanne d’Arc Basin in order to and Labrador’s vast reserves of offshore natural
exploit by-product gas production. In addition, gas,” Power said, adding: “Liquefying the gas
a 600-km subsea pipeline will connect to a lique- allows for transportation to export markets in
faction facility in Newfoundland’s Placentia Bay. Europe and beyond and will help reduce global
LNG NL CEO Leo Power said during the greenhouse gas [GHG] emissions, as the gas can
conference that the project aimed to build a replace more carbon-intensive energy sources
liquefaction at Grassy Point, with government such as coal.”
Opposition mounts to Tilbury
LNG expansion
CANADA THE City of Vancouver on September 22 passed International Energy Agency (IEA) released a
a non-binding motion to oppose a planned report in May stating that in the scenario where
FortisBC recently expansion at the Tilbury LNG plant, citing the the world reaches the 2050 net-zero emissions
downsized the emissions that the project will cause. target, no further investment in either oil or gas
expansion’s scale. The C$3.0-3.5bn ($2.4-2.8bn) Tilbury LNG is needed.
Phase Two Expansion Project will result in a Critics of the Tilbury expansion argue that
tenfold increase in the facility’s LNG production much of the gas that will supply the facility will
capacity to 7,700 tonnes per day (2.8mn tonnes come from hydraulic fracturing operations in
per year). Its operator, FortisBC, said that grow- north-east British Columbia. The cities of Rich-
ing international demand justifies the invest- mond and Port Moody have already expressed
ment, although it is yet to sanction development. their opposition to the project, although the city
The motion, put forward by Councillor of Delta, where the facility is located, is yet to take
Christine Boyle, warned that the expansion such a step.
would undermine efforts to tackle climate The expansion project was due to have a larger
change. capacity of 11,000 tpd, but FortisBC downsized it
“I think we need to take a leadership role here in to 7,700 tpd. This was after the company filed
and oppose this [greenhouse gas] emitting, dan- a detailed project description with authorities
gerous project,” another supporter of the motion, in September, around 18 months after filing the
Jean Swanson, said. initial project description. The company is yet
New upstream developments have to say when it intends to take a final investment
come under heightened scrutiny since the decision (FID) on the project.
Week 38 24•September•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P9