Page 8 - GLNG Week 38 2021
P. 8

GLNG                                          COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

       EU lawmakers accuse Gazprom

       of price manipulation

       Gazprom is in many European politicians' crosshairs at the moment

        EUROPE           A group of EU lawmakers mainly hailing from  gas sales to countries beyond the former Soviet
                         Poland and the Baltic States have asked the Euro-  Union surged to 138.6bn cubic metres in the
       WHAT:             pean Commission to investigate Gazprom for  first eight and a half months of the year. This was
       EU lawmakers accuse   alleged manipulation of gas prices.  close to the historic level of 141.3 bcm supplied
       Gazprom of price    Some 40 of the European Parliament’s more  in the corresponding period of 2018, although
       manipulation.     than 700 members signed a letter to the Com-  that volume includes sales to China that began
                         mission asking for a probe into the extent that  at the end of 2019. Otherwise, sales would have
       WHY:              Gazprom is responsible for current record high  amounted to only 132 bcm.
       European gas prices are   prices in Europe. The MEPs cited recent press   On the transit issue, some analysts have
       at record heights.  reports as evidence.               pointed to Ukraine and Poland offering inade-
                           Gazprom has been avoiding booking addi-  quate terms for additional capacity. But it is true
       WHAT NEXT:        tional transit capacity via Ukraine and Poland  that Gazprom is not selling as many spot cargoes
       Analysts doubt that the   beyond contractual requirements, the lawmak-  on its electronic sales platform.
       accusations have any   ers said. It has also closed down fields in Western   Gazprom has dismissed the criticism, with
       substance.        Siberia, partly in response to a serious fire that  CEO Alexei Miller saying on September 17 that
                         broke out at the Urengoy condensate treatment  the company was a reliable supplier to Europe
                         plant in late August, leaving some of its capac-  “no matter how cold the winter and no matter
                         ity still offline. But MEPs said: “it is not clear  how harsh the conditions.”
                         whether all the shut-ins were justified by that   “We always fulfil our contractual obligations
                         accident, and whether deliberate market manip-  in full,” he said.
                         ulation was involved.”                 Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov mean-
                           What is more, the Russian supplier has not  while said that the timely launch of Nord Stream
                         responded to requests from its European cus-  2 would provide some relief to the European
                         tomers to guarantee extra volumes in recent  market.
                         months, in order to boost levels of gas in storage.   “Undoubtedly, the early commissioning of
                         But the available data shows that the company  Nord Stream 2 will significantly balance price
                         had enough production capacity to meet this  for natural gas in Europe, including on the spot
                         increase in demand.                  market,”
                           “All these factors allow [one] to suspect that   Some analysts have also weighed in on Gaz-
                         the record natural gas price surge in Europe  prom’s side. BCS Global Markets (BCS GM) ana-
                         in the recent weeks may [be] a direct result of  lyst Ronald Smith told NewsBase he believed the
                         Gazprom’s deliberate market manipulation and  European gas crisis was in large part caused by
                         actions aimed at intentional[ly] withholding  EU energy policy. In particular, he pointed to
                         available gas production capacities from the  Brussels’ desire to have more spot-based, gas-to-
                         market in order to push gas prices up,” the MEPs  gas pricing in contracts at the expense of oil-in-
                         said.                                dexed contracts, which provide greater stability
                           The lawmakers went on to accuse Gazprom  and currently have prices three times lower than
                         of using this tactic to compel the EU to permit  spot rates.
                         Nord Stream 2’s launch. Though complete, Nord   “There are many and complex drivers of high
                         Stream 2 will need technical certification to start  energy prices in Europe,” Laurent Ruseckas, a
                         commercial flow, and its operating company  gas expert at IHS Markit, added on social media.
                         will need certification as an independent trans-  “That said, it is definitely easier to focus on a sin-
                         mission operator for the pipeline to run at full  gle cause and a traditional villain.”
                         capacity.                              “If having some spare productive capacity is
                           “We call on the European Commission to  a violation of competition rules, then Gazprom
                         urgently open an investigation into possible  has been breaking these rules for at least 10 years,
                         deliberate market manipulation by Gazprom  without comment or complaint,” he continued.
                         and potential violation of EU competition rules,  “Had Gazprom been producing [from] all its
                         which had resulted in sufficiently higher energy  fields flat out at all times, it would have a vastly
                         bills for the European consumers,” the MEPs  higher share of the European gas market, likely
                         said.                                prompting a different letter or warning from
                           Despite these allegations, Gazprom’s pipeline  MEPs.” ™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 38   24•September•2021
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