Page 13 - GLNG Week 38 2021
P. 13

GLNG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              GLNG

       New Fortress Energy                 have completed a joint development project   Gazprom and Shell review
                                           (JDP) to develop an optimized LNG carrier
       announces $725mn                    design.                              current issues of joint
                                             The JDP resulted in a new LNG carrier
       shipping term loan facility         hull design, as well as optimization of   activities
                                           the machinery, electrical and piping
       New Fortress Energy Inc. (NFE) announced   arrangements. The project further   A working meeting between Alexey Miller,
       today that it has executed a term loan   developed new rule requirements and   Chairman of the Gazprom Management
       facility secured by eight Company vessels   introduced a simplified approvals process.  Committee, and Ben van Beurden, Chief
       The company made an initial borrowing   The JDP also looked to address growing   Executive Officer of Royal Dutch Shell, took
       of $430mn and can borrow up to $725mn   industry demand for crew accommodation   place on September 22 via a video link.
       under the shipping facility.        and working area designs which can      The parties reviewed current issues
         “Our investments in LNG terminals   help mitigate the spread of infectious   pertaining to their joint activities, including
       and power infrastructure bring significant   diseases such as COVID-19. The project   the Sakhalin II project and the efforts being
       economic and environmental benefits to our  has developed crew accommodation   undertaken by the two companies to reduce
       expanding customer base.”           and ventilation designs that meet    their carbon footprint across the natural gas
         The shipping facility has a three-year   the requirements of the ABS Guide   value chain.
       term, and loans issued under the facility   for Mitigation of Infectious Disease   Alexey Miller and Ben van Beurden paid
       will bear interest at an annual rate equal to   Transmission On Board Marine and   particular attention to the situation in the
       LIBOR plus 3.00%, subject to a 0.0% LIBOR   Offshore Assets.             European gas market.
       floor. The Shipping Facility is prepayable at   “As the leading Class for gas carriers
       par at any time without penalty.    globally, ABS has the experience and the    GAZPROM
         Net proceeds of the shipping facility   insight to work with HHI to shape the
       will be used to fund the development and   LNG carriers of tomorrow. More efficient   OMV Petrom successfully
       construction of the Company’s energy   vessels will be key to achieving more
       infrastructure projects around the world.  sustainable operations. ABS is committed   completed the first delivery
         “We continue to execute the plan   to ensuring our support for shipyards and
       we previously laid out to facilitate our   vessel operators continues to evolve to   of LNG in Romania
       growth with asset-level financings. This   keep pace with technological developments
       facility provides additional capital for us   and the needs of the industry,” said Patrick   OMV Petrom, the largest energy company
       to build additional LNG terminals and   Ryan, ABS Senior Vice President, Global   in South-Eastern Europe, made the
       infrastructure around the world,” said New   Engineering and Technology.  first LNG delivery to Damen Shipyards
       Fortress Chairman and CEO Wes Edens.   “The environment around the shipping   Mangalia, the largest shipyard in South-
       “Our investments in LNG terminals and   industry is changing fast and the pandemic   Eastern Europe. The product was used to
       power infrastructure bring significant   situation has affected the world, but there   fuel a ship equipped with LNG engines. It is
       economic and environmental benefits to our  are still technologies that can be enhanced   the first ship of this type, built in Romania,
       expanding customer base.”           to make life safer. As the result of this JDP,   in the Damen Shipyard, in Mangalia.
                                           HHI will design and build more efficient   Radu Căprău, member of the OMV
        NEW FORTRESS ENERGY                and secure vessels benefitting both the   Petrom Executive Board, responsible
                                           environment and human beings,” said   for Downstream Oil: “The transport
       ABS and HHI design                  Seung Ho Jeon, HHI’s Executive Vice   sector, which plays an essential role in
                                           President and head of initial design office.”
                                                                                the mobility of goods and people, is also
       optimised LNG carriers              ABS                                  one of the sectors in which efficient and
                                                                                comprehensive emissions reduction
       ABS and Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI)                                   measures are needed. OMV Petrom is and
                                                                                will continue to be part of the solution,
                                                                                with a mixed products portfolio that meets
                                                                                the mobility needs of our country. The first
                                                                                LNG delivery in Romania is another step
                                                                                we are taking in expanding the offer of low-
                                                                                emission transport products”.
                                                                                  Franck Neel, member of the OMV
                                                                                Petrom Executive Board, responsible
                                                                                for Downstream Gas: „In the context of
                                                                                the energy transition, the use of LNG in
                                                                                transportation and industry can lead to a
                                                                                significant reduction in carbon emissions
                                                                                and pollutants. Romania has a significant
                                                                                potential for natural gas, and capitalizing
                                                                                on it, liquefaction included, opens new
                                                                                horizons for the Romanian economy
                                                                                and contributes to the climate agenda

       Week 38   24•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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