Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 11 2022
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Canada considers ways

       to boost crude exports

       Canada is examining ways of boosting exports of crude in a

       bid to help supply challenges caused by countries trying to

       reduce their reliance on Russian oil

        NORTH AMERICA    CANADA is looking at ways to boost its crude  ways to increase utilisation rates on existing
                         exports to the US – and potentially onwards  pipelines. And pipeline operator Enbridge,
       WHAT:             to other countries from the US Gulf Coast.  whose Mainline accounts for most of Canada’s
       Canada is looking at ways   This comes as concerns mount about supply  crude exports to the US, said in a recent state-
       to boost its crude exports   challenges in the wake of Russia’s invasion of  ment that it was having talks with Ottawa on
       to the US and beyond.  Ukraine.                        “how the industry can help relieve the current
                           The US has banned imports of Russian crude,  crisis”.
       WHY:              which represents a relatively small amount of   “We are looking at whether our pipeline net-
       Supply challenges could   its total oil imports but will nonetheless need  work is fully utilised,” Canadian Minister of Nat-
       arise as various countries   to be replaced. And the European Union has  ural Resources Jonathan Wilkinson told Reuters
       seek to lessen their   announced its intention to dramatically reduce  last week. He added that the government was
       reliance on Russian oil.  its reliance on Russian oil and gas. Canada is  aiming to achieve an “incremental” increase in
                         keen to see how it can help.         exports to Europe.
       WHAT NEXT:          However, Canada’s options for ramping up   Separately, the Canadian Press reported on
       Ottawa believes that in   crude exports are relatively limited – hence  March 14 that Wilkinson was in discussions
       the longer term it will   the recent complaints about US President Joe  with Group of Seven (G7) partners and energy
       be more realistic to   Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone XL pipe-  industry executives figuring out how best to
       collaborate with Europe   line project in 2021 by certain members of the  help Europe reduce its reliance on Russian oil
       on renewable energy.  industry and its supporters. But with no major  and gas.
                         new pipeline capacity from the oil sands to the   “In the context of the discussions, not just
                         US planned, Canada is reportedly studying  with the Americans, but the Europeans as well,

                                                                                                  Canadian oil is
                                                                                                  transported to the US
                                                                                                  via pipeline, and a
                                                                                                  small proportion is then
                                                                                                  re-exported from the
                                                                                                  Gulf Coast.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 11   17•March•2022
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