Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 11 2022
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         regularly talked up the use of debottlenecking  across Europe to US LNG imports. In late 2020,
                         and optimisation to boost production from its  Engie abandoned talks over an offtake deal with
                         existing trains. These efforts have helped it to  would-be US LNG developer NextDecade,
                         increase the capacity of its trains from 4.5mn  amid reports that it had come under pressure
                         tpy to 5mn tpy. Cheniere’s CEO, Jack Fusco, has  from the French government not to import
                         described the additional volumes these efforts  LNG that had been produced from shale gas.
                         had resulted in as equating to a “virtual train”   Reports of Engie’s deal with Cheniere
                         of LNG.                              emerged around a year later, as Europe was deal-
                           The company welcomed the DoE’s new  ing with rising gas demand and prices. Under
                         approvals, noting in brief the impact they could  these circumstances, US LNG appears to have
                         have.                                become less objectionable – though it is worth
                           “This authorisation will allow for additional  noting that neither Engie nor Cheniere put out
                         operational flexibility for us and our custom-  statements about the original deal they struck
                         ers during this pivotal time and for decades to  last year. Instead, it was announced in a filing   Even prior
                         come,” Cheniere was quoted by Reuters as say-  with the DoE and subsequently picked up by
                         ing in an emailed statement.         media sources.                         to the DoE’s
                                                               The updated agreement the two companies   announcement,
                         What next?                           struck last week was publicly announced by
                         Even prior to the DoE’s announcement, there  Cheniere, though. And the deal’s extension to   there were
                         were already indications that Cheniere was  20 years suggests that LNG could have a role to
                         making a push to sell more LNG to Europe.  play in European energy for longer than those   already
                         On March 9, the company said it had amended  focused on decarbonisation of the continent
                         a previous sale and purchase agreement (SPA)  have previously suggested.  indications that
                         with France’s Engie, increasing the volumes cov-  “This SPA reflects the importance of a diverse   Cheniere was
                         ered by the deal and extending its duration.  and reliable long-term supply of natural gas for
                           Under the amended deal, Cheniere will  Europe and reinforces the value the LNG mar-  making a push to
                         supply Engie with 0.9mn tpy over 20 years, up  ket places in Cheniere’s commitment to climate
                         from 0.4-1.2mn tpy over an 11-year period pre-  and sustainability initiatives,” Fusco stated last  sell more LNG to
                         viously. The original deal was already notable  week.
                         because it appeared to represent something of   Things are currently in flux and the debate   Europe.
                         a u-turn for Engie.                  over what role natural gas has to play in a decar-
                           US LNG producers use shale gas as feedstock,  bonising world will doubtless continue. But
                         but hydraulic fracturing – the technique used  for the moment, LNG’s prospects appear to be
                         to tap shale formations – is banned in France  improved, and Cheniere has greater flexibility
                         and there is broader environmental opposition  to maximise its exports to Europe.™

       Week 11   17•March•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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