Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 11 2022
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NorthAmOil INVESTMENT NorthAmOil
ExxonMobil reportedly weighing Bakken sale
NORTH DAKOTA EXXONMOBIL is reportedly considering a Bakken assets averaged gross production of
sale of its assets in North Dakota’s Bakken play. 95,993 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd)
Citing sources familiar with the matter, Bloomb- in 2021, with oil accounting for 65%.
erg reported that the super-major had been The potential sale comes as oil prices remain
approached by interested parties. at multi-year highs despite falling somewhat in
According to the sources, ExxonMobil could recent days. Meanwhile, ExxonMobil contin-
receive up to $5bn for the assets. And one of the ues its push to boost shareholder returns, and
sources added that the company was in the final shedding non-core assets could help with this.
round of interviewing banks to help launch a sale According to its fourth-quarter earnings release,
process. ExxonMobil generated $3bn in cash proceeds
The people cautioned, however, that a final from asset sales in 2021. Now, it could continue
decision on pursuing a sale had not yet been this run of asset sales by offloading its Bakken
made and that ExxonMobil’s plans could still properties.
change. The higher oil price environment could also
A sale could make sense given how little focus bolster the Bakken’s prospects by making certain
ExxonMobil has had on the Bakken in recent wells more economically attractive than they
years. Energy analytics firm Enverus said in a had been previously. However, analysts have
note that the super-major had not run a rig in the cautioned that takeaway capacity constraints for
Bakken since September 2020, having averaged associated gas production will limit how much
three rigs in the play over the whole of that year, Bakken activity could be spurred by recent price
down from six in 2019. ExxonMobil’s comple- trends.
tion programme in the Bakken has also declined, Nonetheless, deal-making in the play is also
Enverus added, from 103 wells in 2019 to 15 in in the spotlight currently after Bakken play-
2020 and 21 reported to date for 2021. ers Oasis Petroleum and Whiting Petroleum
Enverus estimates that ExxonMobil’s operated announced a merger last week.
ConocoPhillips cuts output at
Alaska site on ongoing gas leak
ALASKA AN uncontrolled leak of natural gas at an oil believe it will need a relief well.
production site operated by ConocoPhillips in An investigation is also being carried out to
Alaska remained ongoing as of March 16 after determine the source of the leak and the volume
being discovered on March 4. The company said of natural gas released, according to the Alaska
this week the leak was coming from a “shallow Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.
gas zone” and not the producing formation. As a precaution, 300 workers were evacuated
The leak was found at the company’s Alpine from the site, on Alaska’s North Slope. Beyond
unit, which is located about 8 miles (13 km) from CD1, no leaked gas has been found, and no peo-
the Alaskan community of Nuiqsut. Production ple or wildlife have been harmed, according to
from the unit has fallen from 51,000-58,000 bar- ConocoPhillips.
rels per day in February to 36,861 bpd on March CD1 is a critical facility for the Alpine field,
13 – the most recent day for which data were since it is where crude from five production pads
available – according to the Alaska Department comes together to be transported to a pipeline to
of Revenue. the Kuparuk River field and Pump Station One
The leak was detected at Alpine’s oldest drill at the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS).
pad and production site, CD1. A spill of saline The leak follows the launch of a new
water was also discovered at the site. court-mandated environmental impact
The company is now carrying out prepara- statement (EIS) for ConocoPhillips’ planned
tions to begin diagnostics and remediate the Willow development located west of Alpine,
gas source, and has said it is mobilising a drill- which could produce up to 160,000 bpd. That
ing rig in order to “proactively address source project has been stalled in the courts since
mitigation of the surface gas release at Alpine August after a judge overturned an earlier
CD1”. The size of the leak has not yet been dis- approval, finding fault with the environmental
closed but ConocoPhillips has said it does not analysis used for it.
P8 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 11 17•March•2022