Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 11 2022
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         we have essentially asked each other, those of us  at or near capacity but we’re exploring options
                         that are oil and gas producers, to look at what-  that may be taken to provide more energy to
                         ever we can do,” Wilkinson told the Canadian  the US and Europe. That includes using export
                         Press.                               facilities on the Gulf Coast for crude and natural
                           The talks are underway ahead of a meeting  gas,” Enbridge said.
                         of energy ministers from member countries of
                         the International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris  What next?
                         on March 23.                         Canada’s efforts to boost exports to Europe
                           “My expectation is, by the time I go to Paris,  come after it already exported a record amount
                         we will have a pretty good view about what we  of crude out of the US Gulf Coast at the end of
                         may be able to do,” Wilkinson was quoted as  2021. Most of this went to major Asian import-
                         saying. “I mean, we have constraints around  ers India, China and South Korea, however. But
                         pipeline capacity, obviously, but the ability to  Russia’s war in Ukraine is triggering changes
                         fully utilise that, at this point in time to help to  in energy trade flows, so Canada may yet see
                         stabilise global energy markets, and to assist our  exports to Europe hit a new high.
                         friends and allies in Europe is definitely some-  Nonetheless, the gains the oil industry makes  Canada’s efforts
                         thing that we are looking at.”       from this could prove to be relatively short-
                                                              lived. Wilkinson told Reuters that further down   to boost exports
                         Limited role                         the line in discussions with Europe was the   to Europe come
                         Canada currently exports around 3.6mn barrels  “transition from natural gas to hydrogen”. Sim-
                         per day (bpd), with 97% of these volumes going  ilarly, he told the Canadian Press that he saw   after it already
                         to the US, while only 3% is re-exported. Accord-  partnering with Europe on renewable energy as
                         ing to the Canadian Press, Canadian Minister of  a more realistic and more lucrative move in the  exported a record
                         Environment Steven Guilbeault estimated this  longer term.
                         week that the country might be able to increase   “We are in this transitional period where we   amount of crude
                         output by 200,000 bpd. Meanwhile, the Explor-  need to address the immediate energy security   out of the US Gulf
                         ers and Producers Association of Canada’s pres-  crisis that [has] arisen because of Russia’s brutal
                         ident, Tristan Goodman, said twice that amount  actions in Ukraine,” he said. “But I think every-  Coast at the end
                         might be achievable, “if we’re lucky”.  body understands that the world is and must
                           Europe, however, would require around 3mn  turn toward a low-carbon future.”  of 2021.
                         bpd of additional crude to fully replace what it   Wilkinson went on to say that he expected
                         currently buys from Russia. Canada’s role, there-  European oil demand to decline over time, with
                         fore, can be expected to be limited.  the continent moving faster than most of the
                           Nonetheless, both the Canadian government  world to adopt electric vehicles (EVs).
                         and the country’s oil industry are exploring the   “So I’m not sure that additional oil pipelines
                         options available to them.           would have been, nor would be, a long-term
                           “Both our liquids and natural gas systems are  win,” he said.™

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