Page 15 - FSUOGM Week 41 2021
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RUSSIA (SPIMEX) accounted for 23.3% of Russia’s exerted any kind of pressure through the
production in January–August, compared to energy supplies. Statements like these are
Moscow, Minsk to sign the norm of 11%, Pavel Strokov, managing part of the information war that the West is
waging against Russia in many directions.
director for the oil product market
gas deal till end of 2021 at department of the SPIMEX, said October 8. everything, we know that, but Moscow is
“We will always be accused of
"August wasvery dynamic for the
$128.51 per 1,000 cm market… Sales at the trading sessions working consistently on stabilization of the
(energy) market, it is not in our interests to
accounted for 27.4% of the output with the
Russia and Belarus are to sign a contract on average (figure) for eight months at 23.3%," rock the boat,” Ryabkov said.
Russian 2022 gas supplies at a price of U.S. Strokov said.
$128.5 per 1,000 cubic meters until the end Strokov also said that diesel fuel sales
of 2021, Belarus’s Energy Minister Viktor accounted for 17.2% of output in August, Gazprom raises Europe ‘21
Karankevich told reporters on October 12. while the norm amounts to 7.5%.
“The decisions were agreed by the export price forecast to
presidents of the states, and announced.
The price for natural gas remains at $128.5 Fire at Amur gas refinery $330
per 1,000 cubic meters. The necessary
documents are being prepared for signing in Russia’s Far East fully Russian gas giant Gazprom has raised the
and for using the price in 2022,” he said. 2021 average export price estimate for
“The work is underway, the documents contained Europe to U.S. $295–330 from $269.6 per
are to be signed until the end of the year, 1,000 cubic meters, Bloomberg reported on
and a gas supply contract will be singed on Fire after a blast of gas at the Amur gas October 8, citing a Wood&Co analyst who
their basis,” he added. refinery in Russia’s Far East has been fully met with the executives of the company.
Karankevich also said that loading of contained, a spokesperson for the plant told The analyst said the guidance may rise if
nuclear fuel into the second unit of the PRIME on October 8. the spot prices remain at the current level
Belorusskaya nuclear power plant, built by “The fire has been fully contained, the until the end of the year.
Russian corporation Rosatom, is expected at fire scene is being examined,” the person The company retained the estimate of the
the end of 2021. said. volume of supplies to Europe at 183 billion
Spokespersons for the facility said that cubic meters.
the blaze broke out earlier on Friday at a 76 The 2022 price is forecasted to exceed
RussNeft wins sale of meter high gas processing unit following $330 significantly.
decompression of equipment. No one has
Snegiriny-3 gas field been injured, there is no threat for the JKX announces intention to
facility or nearby settlements.
development said that it had started a check on the
The Amur Region’s prosecutor’s office
Russian oil company RussNeft has won incident. sell Russian assets
an auction for the right to develop the The board of JKX Oil & Gas (JKX LN)
Snegiriny-3 oil and gas field in the Khanty- has decided to dispose of its 100%
Mansi Autonomous District bidding 30.4 interest in Russian operating subsidiary
million rubles, the Natural Resources and EASTERN EUROPE Yuzhgazenergie, the company reported on
Environment Ministry told PRIME on October 4. JKX is actively seeking a buyer,
October 12. Russia ready to work with it added in the release. Sales proceeds from
“Out of 10 auctions … one was held: the the disposal will be used to finance ongoing
Snegiriny-3 site, the winner was RussNeft EU to avoid energy price activities and possible acquisitions in
PJSC,” the ministry said. Ukraine.
The Snegiriny-3 field’s oil and gas leaps Yuzhgazenergie operates the
reserves are estimated at 15.2 million tonnes Koshekhablskoye gas field (five wells) in
of D1-grade, 2.1 million tonnes of D2-grade Moscow has been and will remain a reliable Adygea, southern Russia. While producing
oil, 1.7 billion cubic meters of D1-grade, 1.1 energy supplier, it is ready to work with more than half of JKX’s hydrocarbons,
billion cubic meters of D2-grade gas. The the E.U. to avoid leaps in prices for energy its Russian subsidiary contributed less
field has been frozen since 2017. sources, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei than 25% to the company’s revenue and
Russia’s Federal Mineral Resources Ryabkov said in an interview to BBC operating profit. In 1H21, JKX sold natural
Agency held auctions for 10 oil and gas broadcast on October 12. gas in Russia at $52 per trillion cubic metres
fields in the district on October 8, canceling “We have been and we will remain the (-4% year on year), or a 78% discount to the
9 of the 10 on the lack of bids. most reliable and safe supplier of natural price at JKX’s Ukrainian assets.
resources. We are inviting all our colleagues This is a long-awaited decision that
in Europe, including our neighbors, to looks strategically correct for the company.
Jan–Aug SPIMEX gasoline accept the simple fact that we value energy However, the way the company reported
on it (just an intention, allegedly without
security of the continent and we want to
sales spike to 23% of cooperate with them, with the E.U., in order concrete buyer options) suggests there may
not be much interest in the Russian asset,
to prevent the price jumps that we see,” he
production said. write analysts at Concorde Capital.
Moscow rejects shameless accusations of
Gasoline sales via the St. Petersburg the U.S. that it uses supplies of natural gas
International Mercantile Exchange as an instrument of pressure. It has never
Week 41 13•October•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P15