Page 12 - FSUOGM Week 41 2021
P. 12

FSUOGM                                         INVESTMENT                                           FSUOGM

       Lukoil expands Shah Deniz stake

       in $2.25bn deal with Petronas

        AZERBAIJAN       RUSSIAN  private oil producer Lukoil has  sea’s Russian zone, two of which are in produc-
                         penned a $2.25bn deal to buy an extra 15.5%  tion, and it also has exploration rights to several
       The Russian producer is   stake in the BP-led Shah Deniz gas field off Azer-  fields off the coast of Kazakhstan.
       doubling down in one of   baijan from Malaysia’s Petronas, raising its over-  The company is seeking new opportunities in
       its core regions.  all shareholding at the project.    the Caspian region to offset decline at its mature
                           Lukoil is planning an expansion in the Cas-  fields in Western Siberia.
                         pian Sea – a region it is counting on to deliver   Analysts at VTB Capital (VTBC) estimate
                         growth over the coming years. Shah Deniz, the  that the purchase could net Lukoil an extra
                         largest gas deposit in the sea, pumps gas to Geor-  $0.5bn in EBITDA next year. If the company
                         gia, Turkey and Southeast Europe via the South-  decides to finance the deal through debt, VTBC
                         ern Gas Corridor (SGC).              said, its leverage would only increase to 0.2 net
                           The latest announcement comes after the  debt to EBITDA, and the bank still expects
                         company agreed in late September to buy a 25%  Lukoil to deliver a "healthy" 11% dividend yield
                         interest in the Shallow Water Absheron Penin-  for 2021.
                         sula (SWAP) exploration project off Azerbaijan   "Yet another upstream deal indicates Lukoil
                         from its operator BP, and it is also eyeing a role  management is continuing to bolster the compa-
                         in developing two oilfields near Kazakhstan’s  ny's geological opportunity set, addressing what
                         Kashagan oil project.                we feel is a key weakness of the investment case,"
                           The deal’s closure is subject to conditions,  BCS Global Markets commented.
                         including the approval of Azeri national oil   Lukoil also launched construction of a
                         company (NOC) SOCAR, another shareholder  second gas processing unit at its Stavrolen
                         at Shah Deniz, Lukoil said. Once the transaction  petrochemicals complex in southern Russia
                         is concluded, Lukoil will be the second-biggest  last week. This should enable the company to
                         shareholder at the field with a 25.5% interest  process up to 5 bcm per year of associated gas
                         behind BP, which has 28.8%. The other share-  from its North Caspian fields. Natural gas liq-
                         holders are Turkey’s TPAO (19%), SOCAR  uids separated from the gas are used as feed-
                         (16.7%) and Iran’s NICO (10%).       stock for petrochemicals, whereas the treated
                           Shah Deniz flowed 18.1bn cubic metres of gas  gas itself can be sold to industrial consumers
                         and 3.6mn tonnes of gas condensate in 2020. The  in Russia.
                         field’s second development phase was launched   "In general, the commercialisation of the Cas-
                         in 2018, which should raise its annual output to  pian gas reserves and the petrochemical invest-
                         26 bcm of gas and 5mn tonnes of gas condensate.  ments make sense to use given the approved
                           Lukoil is already a seasoned operator in the  subsidies for ethane- and LPG-based petro-
                         Caspian. It owns several oil and gas fields in the  chemical production," Sberbank CIB said.™

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