Page 14 - FSUOGM Week 41 2021
P. 14
TotalEnergies gets Dunga
contract extended
KAZAKHSTAN FRENCH energy major TotalEnergies has when it took an FID. The project's cost was also
secured a contract extension to develop the higher, at $300mn.
TotalEnergies' contract Dunga oilfield in western Kazakhstan, with Dunga was discovered in 1969, but produc-
will now run until Kazakh authorities estimating that this will tion was not initiated until 2020. Denmark's
2039. unlock an extra KZT70bn ($165mn) in the pro- Maersk acquired a 60% interest in the field in
ject's development over the next five years. mid-2002, joining partners Oman Oil (20%) and
TotalEnergies' contract will now run until Portuguese investment fund Partex (20%).
2039, rather than terminating in 2024 as previ- Maersk reported first oil from a $1bn second-
ously expected. In 2019 the operator, then known ary development phase at Dunga in late 2012,
as Total, took a final investment decision (FID) and output quickly climbed to 7,000 bpd. The
on Dunga's third-phase development, although firm had planned to drill as many as 200 wells
the project then became bogged down in disa- by 2016, targeting a production plateau rate
greements between TotalEnergies and Kazakh of 30,000 bpd. Most of these wells were sunk,
authorities over its technical design and com- although some drilling was cancelled in response
mercial terms. Further delays were attributed to to low oil prices.
the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the TotalEnergies bought Maersk in August 2017.
resulting oil price crash. Dunga exports its oil via the Uzen-Atyrau-Sa-
According to Kazakh Energy Minister Mag- mara oil trunk line, which runs within 50 km of
zum Mirzagaliyev said, the project is expected its border. While TotalEnergies has said that the
to lift output by 26% from the current level to field represents low-cost production, operating
around 17,300 barrels per day. This is less than expenses are likely climb as its reservoirs grow
the 20,000 bpd that TotalEnergies had envisaged more mature.
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 41 13•October•2021