Page 11 - FSUOGM Week 41 2021
P. 11

FSUOGM                                PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                        FSUOGM

       Gazprom delivers only 67% of

       the gas Moldova needs

        MOLDOVA          MOLDOVA’S natural gas transport system and  Dodon is paying a visit to Moscow precisely to
                         the power generation sector came under extreme  coordinate policies aimed at putting pressure on
       The price of supplies   pressure after Gazprom agreed to temporarily  the pro-EU regime in Chisinau with the Russian
       has also dramatically   deliver only two-thirds of the gas needed by the  authorities.
       increased.        country that is negotiating a new multi-annual   Irrespective of the causes, the scarce gas sup-
                         contract.                            plies in Moldova are having visible effects.
                           Under the bridge arrangement valid as for   Moldova’s main power generation unit, con-
                         October, Moldova receives from Gazprom  trolled by the separatists in Transnistria and
                         54mn cubic metres of gas, which is only 67% of  typically burning natural gas (which it does not
                         the 80mn cubic metres the country, not includ-  pay for), is partly burning coal these days. The
                         ing separatist Transnistria, needs, announced  smaller units, on the Moldova proper territory
                         Moldova’s incumbent natural gas transport  (Termoelectrica and CET Nord) are considering
                         and distribution company Moldovagaz, con-  switching to heating oil but such a move takes
                         trolled by Gazprom, with the state as a major  time.
                         shareholder.                           Moldovagaz invited its consumers to take
                           Supplies falling below consumption resulted  measures to cut their consumption, specifically
                         in lower pressure in the gas transport system, the  by switching to alternative resources (such as
                         company said.                        heating oil) or deferring industrial operations
                           Furthermore, the price paid by Moldova in  such as refining sugar beet.
                         October will be $790 per 1,000 cubic metres —   Vice-Prime Minister Andrei Spinu con-
                         six times more than in Q1 this year.  firmed to that he will meet
                           Speaking of the price paid by Moldova, for-  Russian officials in Sankt Petersburg at the end
                         mer finance minister Mariana Durlesteanu  of this week to tackle the issue.
                         questioned the authorities’ decision to switch to   Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița in her term
                         a spot-based price now, after it paid prices well  said that the negotiations on prolonging the con-
                         above the spot prices under the existing mul-  tract have been going on for quite a while and
                         ti-annual contracts during the past year. Moldo-  “Gazprom will not want to maintain the same
                         vagaz supplemented the gas imports in Q2 and  price for gas”.
                         Q3 under the existing contract, hence at a high   Under these circumstances, the government
                         price, she claimed.                  is mulling actions to mitigate the social impact,
                           But gas is expensive across the whole of  Gavrilita added.
                         Europe: Romania imports gas from Russia at a   Asked by the press to comment on the gas
                         price of $1,000 per thousand cubic metres. This  supply situation, Gavrilita said that there is an
                         complicates Moldova’s mission of finding alter-  anomaly on the international markets, and in the
                         native sources (despite having a functioning  last two days the gas price in European countries
                         pipeline to Romania, recently launched). This  has increased by 60%.
                         should also invalidate concerns about Russia   "We understand that Gazprom will not want
                         using its gas resources to keep former satellites  to maintain the same price for Moldova and
                         under control again.                 here the government manages the situation so
                           Such speculations still exist: MP from the  that consumers have access to natural gas and do
                         ruling Party of Action and Solidarity (PAS)  not feel on their own the increase in prices," the
                         Oazu Nantoi claimed that former president Igor  prime minister said. ™

       Week 41   13•October•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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