Page 14 - DMEA Week 14 2021
P. 14

DMEA                                            PIPELINES                                              DMEA

       Apollo in pole position

       for Aramco pipeline lease

        MIDDLE EAST      APOLLO Global Management is reported to be  5mn to 7mn barrels per day (bpd).
                         leading a group of investors to lease a stake in   Continuing the ambiguity and fluidity of the
                         Saudi Aramco’s oil pipelines business.  sale, one source told Bloomberg that Aramco
                           According to sources quoted by Bloomberg  could choose the winner in the coming weeks,
                         and Reuters, BlackRock and Canada’s Brookfield  though it may yet decide not to proceed with the
                         Asset Management are no longer in the running,  deal.
                         though New York-based Global Infrastructure   In October, it was reported that BlackRock
                         Partners (GIP) remains in the running, while the  was in talks to acquire the stake in what Aramco
                         China Investment Corp. (CIC) sovereign wealth  dubbed internally ‘Project Seek’.
                         fund is considering making a bid.      However, talks cooled when appetite for an
                           In late March, Aramco is believed to have sent  agreement under previously discussed terms
                         a request for proposals (RFP) to a pool of banks  diminished amid concern from the conservative
                         believed to include Al-Ahli NCB, Al Rajhi and  Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud, with
                         Riyad, for funding that it intends to provide to  further due diligence deemed necessary.
                         bidders for the pipeline stake.        Meanwhile, with Crown Prince Mohammed
                           The proposed $10bn deal would cover the  bin Salman (MbS) saying this week that the state
                         lease of as much as 49% in the pipeline division  could forego part of its $73.5bn per year dividend
                         for a period of up to 25 years.      from Aramco, the company may find itself under
                           Under this proposal, Aramco would pay a set  less pressure to monetise assets than had previ-
                         tariff for use of the infrastructure, which includes  ously been envisaged.
                         the massive East-West Pipeline that is currently   Aramco is being advised on the deal by JP
                         being upgraded to increase its capacity from  Morgan and Moelis & Co.™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 14   08•April•2021
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