Page 17 - DMEA Week 14 2021
P. 17

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       Kuwait’s sovereign funds.           REFINING                             ordered to convene a meeting within 45
         GRF, which is used to cover state deficits,                            days to determine compensation due to a
       has been squeezed by the coronavirus-driven   Burckhardt compressors     proprietor of land acquired for construction
       drop in oil prices and a continued stand-off                             of Lamu Port South Sudan Ethiopia Transport
       between government and parliament on   for Egypt hydrocracking           Corridor (Lapsset) project.
       implementing measures such as a law to allow                               In default, the Environment and Land
       state borrowing.                    complex                              Court ordered that an injunction shall
         The agreement between GRF and state-                                   be issued upon the expiry of the 45-day
       owned KPC on a new payment schedule   Burckhardt Compression will supply three   period restraining NLC, Lapsset Corridor
       has not been signed yet but the government   API 618 process gas compressors for the   Development Authority and Kenya Ports
       source said it would be submitted to the   Assiut hydrocracking complex in Egypt. Each   Authority from remaining on the parcel of
       finance and oil ministries for approval.  gas compressor has a frame rating of 1700 kN,  land which belongs to Nightshade Properties
         He was confirming a report by Kuwaiti   TechnipFMC signed an engineering,   Ltd.
       newspaper Al-Rai, which said KPC and   procurement, and construction contract with   Justice James Olola, sitting in Malindi ruled
       the Kuwait Investment Authority - which   Assiut National Oil Processing Company   that the Constitution dictates that where land
       manages Kuwait’s sovereign wealth funds -   for the construction of a new hydrocracking   is acquired, just compensation is to be paid
       reached an initial agreement to transfer the   complex at the Assiut refinery in Egypt in   promptly to owners whose interests in the
       dividends to the public treasury within a 15-  last year. The Assiut hydrocracking complex   land have been determined.
       year timetable.                     in Egypt will be one of the country’s major   He further noted that it was evident that
         The report said the accrued funds   strategic refineries and will help to meet   the respondents have been on Nightshade
       amounted to about 7.75 billion dinars.  growing local demand for cleaner products,   Properties Ltd’s land since 2016 and by June
         The source did not specify a time frame   mainly EURO-V diesel. The EURO-V   2017, they were aware that its right over the
       for the payment but said the final terms   standard reduces atmospheric pollutants by   land had been ascertained.
       would not impact the financial position of the   imposing stricter limits on exhaust emissions.  “No explanation has been offered by any
       company or its ability to honour obligations   The new hydrocracking complex is an   of the respondents as to why by November 30
       linked to its investments.          extension to the modernization program   2019 when this petition was filed, Nighshade
         Kuwait has taken several steps to mitigate   initiated 2015. The hydrocracking complex   Properties Ltd remained uncompensated for
       the depletion of the treasury’s liquid assets,   will feature new process units including   its property that was compulsorily acquired,”
       including raising funds for the GRF through   a vacuum distillation unit, a diesel   noted Justice Olola.
       asset swaps with Kuwait’s Future Generations   hydrocracking unit, a delayed coking unit,   The judge also noted that the fact that
       Fund - a nest egg for when the country’s oil   a distillate hydrotreating unit, a hydrogen   compensation had not been paid does
       runs out.                           production facility unit, a sulfur recovery unit,   not invalidate the process of compulsory
         Such steps may push back the risk of a   and a sulfur solidification unit. It will also   acquisition.
       liquidity crunch to the third quarter this year,   include interconnecting, offsites, and utilities.  Nightshade Properties Ltd told the court
       Bank of America said last month.    GAS COMPRESSION                      that it is the registered proprietor of the 100
         “This agreement (with KPC) will not solve                              hectares of the land in Mokowe, Lamu.
       the problem of financing Kuwait’s budget. The                              It said that on December 7 2011, NLC
       government still needs to reach an agreement   PIPELINES                 through the Registrar of Titles in Mombasa
       with the National Assembly on how to finance                             cancelled its title to the land prompting it to
       the budget deficit,” the government source   Lapsset works risk delay on   move to court to have it quashed.
       told Reuters.                                                              NLC neither participated in the case nor
       REUTERS                             failure to pay land owner            filed a response.
                                           The National Land Commission has been   BUSINESS DAILY

       Week 14   08•April•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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