Page 15 - DMEA Week 14 2021
P. 15

DMEA                                  TERMINALS & SHIPPING                                            DMEA

       Mozambique LNG’s fate in doubt

        AFRICA           UNCERTAINTY about the fate of the Mozam-  saying in a Radio Mozambique report last week
                         bique LNG project have become more urgent  that the construction site was still “protected.”
                         over the last week.                    Vidigal also downplayed reports of chaos and
                           France’s Total, the leader of the consortium,  destruction in Palma and nearby areas, saying
                         appears to have abandoned its hope of restarting  that Maputo had never been in doubt about its
                         work at the site on the Afungi Peninsula where  ability to ensure the region’s security. “At no time
                         it is building a natural gas liquefaction complex.  was its integrity at stake,” he declared.
                         Instead, it has withdrawn the remaining mem-
                         bers of its workforce from northern Mozam-  No clear outcome
                         bique in the wake of an Islamist group’s attack on  Even so, it appears that the situation is still very
                         the nearby town of Palma on March 24.  much in flux.
                           It announced its decision in a statement dated   Total has reportedly left its construction site
                         March 27, saying: “The remobilisation of the  entirely in the hands of FDS troops and is now
                         project that was envisaged at the beginning of  concentrating on completing the evacuation of
                         the week is obviously now suspended. Total has  its workforce. It is providing some support to
                         decided to reduce to a strict minimum level the  the thousands of refugees who have tried to take
                         workforce [at] the Afungi site.”     shelter in or near its facilities, in the form of food,
                           According to press reports, all of Total’s  emergency transportation and evacuation ser-
                         employees had departed from the site by April  vices, but it is also remaining mum about when,
                         2. As of press time, the company had not yet said  whether or how it might resume work.
                         when work might resume.                According to Joseph Hanlon, a senior lecturer
                           The French major has been working with  at the Open University and a recognised expert
                         Mozambique’s government for several months to  on Mozambique, the French major is not likely
                         secure protection for operations, and its efforts  to resume operations any time soon. Officials
                         have borne some fruit. Last month, for exam-  in Maputo will need time to follow up on offers
                         ple, the two sides reached an agreement on the  of assistance and military training from foreign
                         establishment of a secure zone encompassing the  partners such as the US and Portugal, he noted.
                         construction site on the Afungi Peninsula and   “Will Total return? Not in the short term.
                         surrounding areas, including Palma. (The zone  It will take perhaps two years for US, Portu-
                         also covered Quitunda, the village where Total  guese and other trainers to create a functioning
                         arranged to resettle people displaced by its con-  army,” Hanlon wrote in an opinion piece for
                         struction project.)                  his Mozambique News Reports and clippings
                         Maputo’s commitments                   He also speculated that the company might
                         Unfortunately, though, Maputo appears to be  very well decide to drop the Mozambique LNG
                         having difficulty upholding its commitments  project if local authorities could not guarantee
                         under the agreement.                 safety, security and improved conditions in the
                           The document called for Mozambique’s spe-  areas where it has been working.
                         cial forces, known as the Defence and Security   “Total has other interests in Africa; it has
                         Forces (FDS), to be responsible for setting up  only spent a small part of the $20 bn project
                         and maintaining the secure zone. However, FDS  cost and can still walk away. Even if it returns, it
                         troops were not able to prevent Ahlu Sunnah  will demand a much more favourable deal with
                         Wa-Jamo (ASWJ), the Islamist group that has  Mozambique,” he wrote.
                         been working since 2017 to seize control of the
                         northern Cabo Delgado province, from attack-  High stakes and big money
                         ing Palma on March 24.               The government of Mozambique has an incen-
                           Nor were they able to clear the area of ASWJ  tive to try to meet such demands.
                         fighters quickly. Instead, Palma was not declared   After all, Total is just one of three major
                         safe until several days later, after the arrival of  international oil companies (IOCs) looking
                         troops from the country’s regular armed forces,  to develop the country’s offshore gas reserves.
                         known as Forças Armadas de Defesa de Moçam-  Maputo is eager to see Italy’s Eni and US-based
                         bique (FADM).                        ExxonMobil proceed with their own Coral
                           Meanwhile, some observers have complained  South LNG and Rovuma LNG projects. If all
                         that Maputo reacted too slowly to the emerging  three projects move forward, they will bring at
                         crisis. Upstream quoted Lionel Dyck, the head  least $50bn worth of direct investments into the
                         of Dyck Advisory Group (DAG), a private  country, while also creating new streams of jobs
                         South African security contractor, as saying that  and budget revenue.
                         FADM had been slow to provide support to his   Even so, the ability of FADM and FDS to
                         men and to local police forces.      deliver safety and security is far from assured. As
                           For its part, FADM has presented a more  such, the Mozambican government will have to
                         confident face to the public. Chongo Vidigal, a  work hard to overcome perceptions that it is not
                         spokesman for the armed forces, was quoted as  prepared to restore order in Cabo Delgado. ™

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