Page 16 - DMEA Week 14 2021
P. 16

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       POLICY                              our disputes, but it is a strong basis to tackle   province,” the PM’s office said on Wednesday
                                           the remaining issues,” the Kurdish PM tweeted  – but protesters are not happy with the
       KRG ready to abide by               on Wednesday.                        news.
                                                                                  “Khafaji came from outside the protest
                                             Barzani also added that a draft of the new
       budget commitments                  KRG budget is being prepared to be sent to   sites, and this is completely unacceptable,”
                                           the Kurdistan Region parliament.
                                                                                Activist Walaa Kadhim told Rudaw English on
       The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG)   “This budget was an compromise — it   Wednesday, confirming demonstrations and
       is ready to adhere to its commitments in the   doesn’t address all the hopes of either party.   sit-ins will continue in Nasiriyah until their
       recently-passed budget bill, Prime Minister   Our principal win is the continued protection   demands are met.
       Masrour Barzani said on Wednesday, also   and reinforcement of our constitutional   The change in governor comes the same
       calling on the federal government in Baghdad   rights,” he said.         day Kadhimi was supposed to announce
       to send funds to Erbil for the first three   RUDAW                       the results of an investigation into bloody
       months of the year.                                                      protester killings in the province. No results
         “Passing of the bill is an achievement for   PM appoints new Dhi Qar   have been released as of Wednesday evening.
       all Iraq and Kurdistan,” he said in a press                                State media also reported Kadhimi’s
       conference following a meeting with the   governor amid Nasiriyah        formation of a five-member “advisory
       Council of Ministers.                                                    council” in Dhi Qar to assist the governor
         “In normal circumstances this should not   sit-ins                     and other officials – but protesters are not
       have been considered as an achievement but                               satisfied.
       rather something normal, however the topic   Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al- Kadhimi   “This council is an attempt to satisfy tribes
       was politicized.”                   has assigned a new governor for Dhi Qar   in Nasiriyah. It is made up of tribal sheikhs in
         The budget bill, approved by the Iraqi   province, state media reported on Wednesday   the governorate, and they are all affiliated with
       Council of Ministers in December, took   evening, after protests demanding the   the parties in power,” Muhamed al-Khayat
       more than three months to be passed by   dismissal of the local government.  told Rudaw English on Wednesday.
       Iraq’s parliament. It was finally put to a vote   Abdul-Ghani al-Asadi has been removed   RUDAW
       on March 31. Under the law, the Kurdistan   as governor after less than two months
       Region will hand over revenues of no less than   in office, replacing Nathem al-Waeli who
       250,000 barrels of oil per day at state-regulated  resigned in February after bloody protests   COMPANIES
       prices to Baghdad in exchange for federal   calling for his dismissal.
       funds.                                Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi on   Kuwait wealth fund reaches
         “The KRG is ready to fulfill all   Tuesday appealed to the people of Dhi Qar
       responsibilities as part of this budget,” he   to stand by the local government “regardless   deal on KPC dividend
       added, calling on the federal government to   of the name of the governor.” A “fuel crisis”
       “perform its duties” and send the funds owed   was announced in the city on the same day, as   Kuwait’s sovereign wealth fund has reached
       for January, February and March.    protesters blocked access to the Nasiriyah oil   an initial agreement with Kuwait Petroleum
         Kurdish and Iraqi leaders alike have voiced   refinery and local government buildings.  Corporation (KPC) on new payment terms
       hope that the passage of the bill will lead to   Ahmed al-Khafaji, a cardiologist and   for over $20 billion in accrued dividends,
       better Erbil-Baghdad relations, with the end of  former provincial health official, has been   a government source said, as the Gulf state
       months of financial disputes.       appointed as the new governor, according to   seeks ways to counter a liquidity squeeze.
         “Let’s be optimistic about the Iraqi budget.   state media.              KPC has owed for years about 7 billion
       I urge the federal govt to deliver its obligation   Kadhimi has directed Khafaji to “work and   Kuwaiti dinars ($23 billion) in dividends
       under the new law. It will not address all of   make every effort to serve the people of the   to the General Reserve Fund (GRF), one of

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