Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 26 2021
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LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       The project financing was secured by a consor-                           responsible for processing 100% of the cluster
       tium of 11 international banks. The Company                              gas and generating NGL.
       expects to draw the loan in full, phased over the                          Petro+ is a Brazilian energy integration
       construction period of the FPSO. The financ-                             company involved in the exploration, produc-
       ing will become non-recourse once the FPSO                               tion, and marketing of oil and natural gas from
       is completed and the pre-completion guarantee                            onshore fields and in thermoelectric power gen-
       has been released. The project loan has a tenor of                       eration projects. Currently, the Petro+ Group
       two years post completion, in line with the dura-                        operates nine concessions in the Espírito Santo,
       tion of the charter, and carries a variable interest                     Potiguar, Recôncavo, and Tucano Sul Basins.
       rate plus 1.60%.                                                         The investment fund PSS Energy Fund, man-
         The Prosperity FPSO will utilise a design that                         aged by Prisma Capital, is Petro+’s controlling
       largely replicates the design of the Liza Unity                          shareholder.
       FPSO. As such, the design is based on SBM                                Petrobras, June 30 2021
       Offshore’s industry leading Fast4Ward® pro-
       gramme that incorporates the Company’s new
       build, multi-purpose hull combined with several  actions related to illegal acts investigated by  FINANCIAL
       standardised topsides modules. The FPSO will  Operation Car Wash.
       be designed to produce 220,000 bpd of oil, will   Petrobras, June 25 2021  Petrobras announces pricing
       have associated gas treatment capacity of 400mn
       cubic feet per day and water injection capacity of                       of public offering of BR
       250,000 bpd. The FPSO will be spread moored  INVESTMENT
       in water depth of about 1,900 metres and will be                         shares
       able to store around 2mn barrels of crude oil.  Petrobras comments on
         The project is part of the Payara develop-                             Petrobras, following the material facts dated as
       ment which is the third development within   the sale of E&P assets in   August 26, 2020, June 11, 2021, and June 17,
       the Stabroek block, circa 200 km offshore Guy-                           2021, informs its shareholders and the gen-
       ana. Esso Exploration and Production Guy-  Alagoas                       eral public that, it has approved, at its Board of
       ana, an affiliate of ExxonMobil, is the operator                         Directors meeting, the price per common share
       and holds a 45% interest in the Stabroek block,  Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed  issued by Petrobras Distribuidora amounting
       Hess Guyana Exploration holds a 30% interest  on October 15, 2020, informs that the Compa-  to BRL26.00, on the date hereof, in the context
       and CNOOC Petroleum Guyana holds a 25%  ny’s Board of Directors, in a meeting held today,  of the secondary public offering of Shares and
       interest.                           approved the sale of its total interest in a set of  held by Petrobras, under the terms of Article
       SBM Offshore, June 25 2021          seven onshore and shallow water concessions  6-A of Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM)
                                           called Alagoas Cluster, located in the state of  Rule No. 400, dated as December 29, 2003, as
       Petrobras comments on               Alagoas, to the company Petromais Global  amended, and other applicable provisions, with
                                           Exploração e Produção (Petro+). The signing  the purpose of placing the Shares abroad pur-
       Technip group leniency              of the purchase and sale agreement and the sub-  suant to the registration exemptions under the
                                           sequent steps will be disclosed to the market in  US Securities Act of 1993, in the total amount of
       agreement                           due course.                          BRL11.35875bn.
                                              The total sale price is $300mn, of which: (a)
                                                                                  No registration of the Offering or Shares will
       Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed  $60mn to be paid on the contract signing date  be carried out in any agency or regulatory body
       on June 26, 2020, informs that today it received  and; (b) $240mn at the closing of the transac-  in the capital markets of any country, except in
       the third, and last, installment, in the amount of  tion. The amounts do not consider adjustments  Brazil, through the CVM. The Shares will not be
       BRL 271.1mn, of the leniency agreement entered  due until the closing of the transaction, which  or have not been registered under the Securities
       into by Technip Brasil and Flexibras (companies  is subject to compliance with certain precedent  Act of 1933 and may not be offered or sold in the
       of the Technip Group).              conditions, such as approval by the National  United States absent registration or an applica-
         Petrobras had already received the first two  Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency  ble exemption from registration requirements.
       installments of the agreement, in July 2019 and  (ANP).                  Under the Offering, Petrobras will sell 37.5%
       June 2020, totaling BRL 578.3mn. With these   The Alagoas Cluster comprises seven produc-  of its interest in BR’s capital share, which corre-
       amounts, Petrobras exceeds the mark of BRL  tion concessions, being six onshore (Anambé,  sponds to Petrobras’s total equity holdings in BR.
       6bn in funds recovered through collaboration,  Arapaçu, Cidade de São Miguel dos Campos,   The Shares will be traded on the São Paulo
       leniency and repatriation agreements.  Furado, Pilar, and São Miguel dos Campos)  Stock Exchange (B3 – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão) on
         These reimbursements arise from Petrobras’  and the Paru field concession located in shallow  July 2, 2021, and the Shares’ settlement will take
       status as a victim in the crimes investigated in  waters, with a water depth of 24 meters.  place on July 5, 2021.
       Operation Car Wash. The company reaffirms   The cluster average production from January   This transaction aims to optimise Petrobras’
       its commitment to adopt the appropriate meas-  to May 2021 was 1,900 bpd of oil and condensate  portfolio and capital allocation and it is con-
       ures, in search of adequate compensation for the  and 602,000 cubic metres per day of gas, generat-  sistent with its strategy to exit the distribution
       resulting losses that were caused. Petrobras is is  ing 900 bpd of NGL (natural gas liquids).  business and focus its investments in world-class
       co-plaintiff with the Federal Prosecutor’s Office   In addition to the fields and their produc-  refining and upstream assets in deep and ultra-
       and the Federal Government in 21 ongoing  tion facilities, the Natural Gas Processing Unit  deep waters, where Petrobras has demonstrated
       administrative improbity actions, in addition  of Alagoas, whose processing capacity is 2 mcm  its competitive advantage.
       to being an assistant prosecutor in 79 criminal  per day, is included in the transaction, which is   Petrobras, June 30 2021

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 26   01•July•2021
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