Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 26 2021
P. 13

LatAmOil                                       ARGENTINA                                           LatAmOil

                         Additionally, it will raise the share of oil in total   testimony to the fact.”
                         yields from 15% to 37%.                CGC was established as an independent
                           Hugo Ernekian, the president and CEO of   company but has been a member of the Argen-
                         CGC, expressed satisfaction with the deal, say-  tinian economic group known as Corporación
                         ing that it “reaffirms CGC’s vision of continued   América International (CAI) since 2013. Over
                         growth and investment in Argentina.”  the last eight years, it has spent more than $1.5bn
                           He added: “We are sure of the immense   on conventional and unconventional oil and gas
                         and diverse potential offered by our country’s   projects in Argentina. These investments have
                         geology, not only in shale but especially in tight   raised the company’s production nearly sev-
                         and conventional gas. This step we are taking is   en-fold on the 2013 figure of 8,300 boepd. ™

       Neuquén Province approves Vista’s

       plan to sell stake in CASO to Shell

                         VISTA Oil & Gas, a Latin America-focused   block, said the sources, who spoke on condition
                         company with headquarters in Mexico City,   of anonymity.
                         has secured approval for plans to sell its 10%   Vista joined the CASO project in 2018. The
                         stake in Coirón Amargo Sur Oeste (CASO),   concession covers an area of 66.53 square km in
                         a concession in the Vaca Muerta shale forma-  the Vaca Muerta formation. It contains about
                         tion in Argentina, to Royal Dutch Shell (UK/  1.5mn barrels of oil equivalent (boe), accord-
                         Netherlands).                        ing to a recent reserve report from DeGolyer
                           The company revealed last week that the   & MacNaughton, and yielded 94 boe per day
                         provincial government of Neuquén, the prov-  (boepd) on average in 2020. ™
                         ince that is home to most of Vaca Muerta, had
                         approved a proposed amendment to the joint
                         venture between the two companies reflecting
                         the sale. This move clears the last hurdle to the
                         deal, which will see Vista Oil & Gas Argentina,
                         a subsidiary of Vista, sell its entire 10% working
                         interest in the concession to Shell Argentina, a
                         subsidiary of Shell.
                           The parties are now due to set the closing date
                         for the transaction by the end of this week, the
                         statement noted. Once the deal is concluded, it
                         will be effective retroactively from April 1, 2021.
                           Vista reported that its subsidiary was selling
                         the 10% stake in CASO for a consideration of
                         $21.5mn. Shell Argentina will pay $15mn in
                         cash and $6.5mn “as carry for the extension of
                         infrastructure works for the collection and sup-
                         ply of water, which is operated by Shell and sup-
                         plies Vista’s operation,” it said.
                           As of press time, Vista had not commented
                         publicly on the reasons for the sale. However,
                         sources cited by Cronista said late last week
                         that the company had taken this step in order
                         to focus on other projects. The transaction will
                         allow Vista to devote more resources to its main
                         asset in Argentina, the Bajada del Palo Oeste   CASO lies within the Vaca Muerta formation (Image: Vista Oil & Gas )

       Week 26   01•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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