Page 9 - LatAmOil Week 26 2021
P. 9
LatAmOil GUYANA LatAmOil
ExxonMobil submits summary
of GTP project to Guyana’s EPA
A subsidiary of US-based ExxonMobil has sub- project – namely, the establishment of an indus-
mitted a project summary document outlining trial hub similar to Point Lisas in Trinidad and
its plans for a gas-to-power (GTP) scheme to Tobago. Point Lisas is home to multiple ammo-
Guyana’s Environmental Protection Agency nia and methanol production facilities, and
(EPA). Guyana’s Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has said
In the document, ExxonMobil Guyana said that his country wants to do something similar,
that the GTP project would entail the construc- though “a little bit more eco-friendly.”
tion of a pipeline connecting the Stabroek off- Meanwhile, ExxonMobil Guyana has indi-
shore block to an onshore processing facility cated that it does not expect the volume of gas
near Wales. The 12-inch (304.8-mm) pipeline delivered to Guyana via the pipeline to remain
will transfer gas from the floating production, steady at 50 mmcf (1.42 mcm) per day in the
storage and off-loading (FPSO) vessels installed long term. Last week, Alistair Routledge, the
at the Liza-1 and Liza-2 fields and pump it to the company’s president, noted that the GTP pro-
processing plant. ject would entail the construction of a 12-inch
This processing plant will be able to process pipeline capable of carrying up to 120-130 mmcf
up to 50mn cubic feet (1.42mn cubic metres) per (3.4-7.7 mcm) per day. The extra capacity “is for
day of associated gas from the two oilfields. It future expansion, either for power or for small-
will separate natural gas liquids (NGLs) out of er-scale industries,” he told
the gas, isolating propane, butane and pentane
from dry gas that can be used to generate elec-
tricity at a new 250-MW thermal power plant
Initially, the gas processing facility will be
owned by Guyana’s government. Officials in
Georgetown have indicated that they are consid-
ering other ownership options for the future but
have not yet announced a decision on this front.
The plant will be built on a 40.5-square km
site on the west bank of the Demerara River and
is scheduled for completion in 2024. The project
is set to create about 600 jobs, most of which will
be temporary positions in the construction field.
Guyanese officials have said they hope the
construction of the pipeline and gas-processing
plant will pave the way for another gas-related Gas from Liza-1 and Liza-2 will flow to shore via pipeline (Image: ExxonMobil)
Eco Atlantic joins Canje project
via purchase of 10% stake in JHI
UK-BASED Eco (Atlantic) Oil & Gas hopes to has arranged to buy up to 10% of JHI.
expand its foothold in Guyana’s offshore zone “Eco has subscribed for 5mn new common
through the acquisition of a minority stake in shares in JHI at a price of $2.0 per share, repre-
JHI Associates (Canada), which is a shareholder senting 6.4% of JHI’s enlarged share capital (the
in the Canje block. JHI Investment), and has been issued a warrant
Eco Atlantic is already a non-operating to subscribe for a further 9,155,471 new com-
partner in the consortium set up to develop the mon shares in JHI at an exercise price of $2.0 per
Orinduik block offshore Guyana. It is now set to share for a period of 18 months (the JHI War-
become an indirect shareholder in Canje, as it rant),” it said in a statement dated June 28.
Week 26 01•July•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P9