Page 12 - LatAmOil Week 26 2021
P. 12

LatAmOil                                          BRAZIL                                            LatAmOil

                                             Mubadala Capital placed the winning bid for the RLAM refinery (Photo: Petrobras)
                         Opposition parties and oil workers’ labour   programme, and the signing of the deal between
                         unions have been especially critical, arguing   Petrobras and MC Brazil Downstream Partici-
                         that Petrobras accepted a price that was too low.   pações represents the end of the NOC’s monop-
                         Luna told legislators last week, though, that he   oly over Brazil’s refining industry.
                         expected the sale of this plant, along with the   Petrobras’ privatisation campaign also cov-
                         other seven refineries, to strengthen Petro-  ers the Presidente Getúlio Vargas Refinery
                         bras. The proceeds of these deals will help the   (REPAR) in Paraná State, the Alberto Pasqua-
                         NOC raise $25-35bn that can be used to finance   lini Refinery (REFAP) in Rio Grande do Sul, the
                         exploration and development work in frontier   Isaac Sabbá Refinery (REMAN) in Amazonas,
                         provinces and in the pre-salt section of Brazil’s   the Shale Industrialization Unit (SIX) in Paraná,
                         offshore zone, he asserted.          the Lubrificantes e Derivados de Petróleo do
                           RLAM is located in São Francisco do Conde   Nordeste (LUBNOR) base oils plant in Ceará,
                         in Brazil’s northern state of Bahia. It was the   the Abreu e Lima Refinery (RNEST) in Pernam-
                         first of eight oil-processing plants slated for sale   buco and the Gabriel Passos Refinery (REGAP)
                         this year under Petrobras’ refinery privatisation   in Minas Gerais. ™

       CGC expands asset portfolio with

       acquisition of Sinopec subsidiary

                         COMPAÑÍA General de Combustibles (CGC)
                         of Argentina has expanded its holdings through
                         the acquisition of Sinopec Argentina Explora-
                         tion and Production, a subsidiary of the state-
                         owned Chinese company Sinopec.
                           The mid-sized operator announced the deal
                         in a statement dated June 30, saying it was now
                         in a position to add the Sinopec subsidiary’s
                         upstream and midstream assets to its portfolio.
                         These assets include fields in the Cuenca del
                         Golfo de San Jorge and Cuenca Cuyana basins   CGC’s portfolio includes both midstream and upstream assets (Image: CGC)
                         and port terminals in Caleta Olivia and Caleta
                         Córdova, it said. These assets cover a combined   subsidiary’s fields will increase the company’s
                         area of 4,668 square km, it added.   proven reserves from 59mn barrels of oil equiv-
                           CGC did not reveal the value of the deal,   alent to 90mn boe, it said. Additionally, it noted,
                         but it did say that the acquisition would raise   the new fields will push output up from the cur-
                         its reserves and production levels. The Sinopec   rent level of 34,266 boe per day to 55,029 boepd.

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 26   01•July•2021
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