Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 26 2021
P. 14
TotalEnergies awarded
two new shallow-water
exploration licenses
TotalEnergies and its partner Qatar Petroleum
have been awarded Block 6 and Block 8 in the
Suriname SHO Bid Round 2020/2021. TotalEn-
ergies shall operate these blocks, situated in shal-
low water with depths between 30 metres and 50
metres, and adjacent to the TotalEnergies-oper-
ated Block 58, where four significant discoveries
have been made since January 2020 and where Cruse, increasing the total of oil-bearing sands Lower Cruse reservoirs, with an expectation
operations are continuing in 2021. thus far identified in the Upper Cruse and Mid- (based upon the Saffron-1 discovery well) of
With these two new operated exploration dle Cruse to over 200ft. production rates in the range of 200-300 bpd. As
blocks, TotalEnergies expands its position in Drilling is continuing to target depth of 4,557 previously advised (on June 18, 2021) the well
Suriname, an emerging world class basin. A 3-D feet (1,389 metres), at which both Lower Cruse had reached a total depth of 2,804 feet (854.7
seismic acquisition campaign will be carried out sections –the primary reservoirs of interest – will metres), with approximately 165 feet (50.3
on these 2 licenses to confirm their potential. be logged, and thereafter the well will be pro- metres) of oil-bearing sands logged in non-pri-
“This award demonstrates our ability to duction tested; the inclusion of an intermediate mary reservoir targets.
capture exploration acreage in a core area for casing string has extended the schedule for com- Since then, drilling has continued with a view
TotalEnergies, pursuing our strategy of explor- pletion of drilling and logging by approximately to assessing the deeper Middle Cruse and Lower
ing for low development cost oil resources in seven days to June 30, 2021, with production Cruse sands, and thereafter placing the well on
highly prospective basins, particularly here, testing remaining on track for mid-July. production.
reinforcing our operatorship position in Suri- Eytan Uliel, CEO, commented: “Our last Challenger Energy, June 24 2021
name Block 58,” said Kevin McLachlan, Senior update on Saffron-2 highlighted to sharehold-
Vice President Exploration. “We are delighted ers that we had encountered hydrocarbons and Arrow Exploration restarts
to continue to expand our strategic interna- identified a very encouraging net pay of approx-
tional partnership with Qatar Petroleum on imately 165 feet [50.3 metres] of oil-bearing production at Morsa-1 well
these blocks.” sands in secondary well targets. I am pleased
TotalEnergies will operate the blocks with a to update that drilling has now reached a depth Arrow Exploration is pleased to announce the
40% working interest, alongside Qatar Petro- of 4,126 feet [1,258 metres], intersecting both a re-start of oil production from the Morsa-1 well
leum (20%) and the national company Staatsolie mobile shale zone and the first of the primary at the Oso Pardo Field, the re-start of oil produc-
(40%). Lower Cruse target reservoirs, and at which tion at the Capella Field, and a corporate pro-
TotalEnergies, June 25 2021 depth based on drilling conditions we decided duction update.
to set intermediate casing. This is so as to sta- Following the completion of a PCP pump
Challenger Energy provides bilise the mobile shale and protect the upper change early during the week of June 21, 2021,
Lower Cruse reservoir sands, thus best assuring Arrow re-started production from the Morsa-1
Saffron-2 drilling update our ability to deliver Saffron-2’s core objective: well at the Oso Pardo Field, located on the Santa
production. As with the first sections of the well, Isabel Block, Middle Magdalena Valley Basin in
AIM-listed Challenger Energy, the Caribbean we have again encountered hydrocarbons in the Colombia.
and Atlantic margin focused oil and gas com- most recently drilled section, and logging the As of June 22, the Morsa-1 well was flowing
pany, with production, appraisal, development balance of the Middle Cruse has indicated a fur- at a rate of approximately 392 barrels per day
and exploration assets across the region, has ther 42 feet [12.8 metres] of net pay - meaning (bpd) of oil, net to Arrow’s 100% WI, of 22.90
provided an update on progress of the Saffron-2 that we have now identified a total of over 200 degree API crude at zero water-cut. The Com-
appraisal well as part of the Saffron Project in the feet [61 metres] of oil-bearing sands in second- pany expects this rate of flush production to
South-West Peninsula of Trinidad. ary reservoirs of interest. Drilling continues, to stabilise in the coming months, at an expected
Drilling of Saffron-2 has reached a total depth an anticipated TD of 4,557 feet [1,389 metres], rate of approximately 120 bpd. Concurrent with
of 4,126 feet (1,258 metres), with an intermedi- at which point the primary reservoirs of interest the re-start of the Morsa-1 well, Arrow intends
ate casing string added to the well plan at 4,118 will be logged. We will provide a further update on re-starting production from the adjacent Oso
feet (1,255 metres) so as to preserve and bank the once drilling is complete.” Pardo-1 and Oso Pardo-2 wells in the coming
lower Middle Cruse and upper reservoir units of The Saffron-2 well is currently being drilled days, and the Company expects combined pro-
the main Lower Cruse target horizon and thus in the South-West Peninsula of Trinidad, as a duction from these latter two wells to be approx-
maximise capacity for production testing. twin well to the Saffron-1 well (i.e., drilled from imately 50 bpd.
Hydrocarbons were encountered in the most the same well pad). Challenger Energy has a Taken together, the Company expects the
recently drilled section and initial petrophysi- 100% operating interest in the well and the Morsa-1, Oso Pardo-1 and Oso Pardo-2 wells to
cal interpretation of logs to depth of 3,530 feet broader Saffron project. The target total depth deliver near-term production of approximately
(1,076 metres) have identified a further 42 feet of the Saffron-2 well is 4,557 feet [1,389 metres]. 440 bpd. This timely re-start of production at the
(12.8 metres) of net pay in the lower Middle The well is primarily targeting the Middle and Oso Pardo Field is expected to provide Arrow
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 26 01•July•2021