Page 15 - DMEA Week 12 2021
P. 15

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       PIPELINES                           hungry for new assets.               traders and producers already coping with
                                             International investors interested in the   the pandemic’s fallout. Local pipeline
       Aramco sends request to             pipeline business include BlackRock, and   networks, however, should help to alleviate
                                           Brookfield Asset Management, sources have
                                                                                some of the disruption.
       banks for pipeline deal             previously told Reuters.             for European importers to avoid the Suez
                                                                                  “There are plenty of alternative trades
                                             Aramco, the world’s largest oil exporter,
       financing                           said on Sunday net profit fell 44.4% to 183.8   Canal,† said Ralph Leszczynski, head of
                                           billion riyals ($49.01 billion) for the year
                                                                                research at shipbroker Banchero Costa & Co.
       Saudi Aramco has sent a request for proposals   ended Dec. 31 as the COVID-19 pandemic   Buyers in Europe and the U.S. may now
       to banks for financing it wants to offer to   depressed global crude demand.  look to other regions, including the U.S. Gulf,
       investors looking to lease its pipelines, three   However it maintained its pledge to declare   North Sea, Russia and West Africa, according
       sources said, a sign the oil giant is progressing   a $75 billion dividend for 2020, most of which   to shipbrokers. Varieties including Mars Blend
       with plans to extract value from its assets.  goes to the Saudi government.  from the U.S. Gulf, Urals from Russia, and
         Aramco, which is being advised by   REUTERS                            even Asian and Russian Far East grades are
       JPMorgan and Japan’s MUFG on the                                       likely to get a boost as a result of any increased
       financing, has sent the request over the                                 demand, an analyst and one of the shipbrokers
       past few weeks to its relationship banks,   TERMINALS & SHIPPING         said.
       meaning to banks that have already lent to the                             The logistical challenge comes at a volatile
       company, said two of the sources. The sources   Suez canal blockage      time. Global benchmark Brent sank about
       spoke on condition of anonymity as the                                   6% on Tuesday on concern near-term
       matter is private.                  scrambles global oil and             demand may prove weaker than expected
         It is asking lenders to submit commitments                             amid renewed lockdowns. On Wednesday
       for a loan that could go up to $10 billion in   gas movement             prices advanced, with at least 100 vessels
       size, said the two sources.                                              waiting to transit between the Red Sea and
         Aramco and JPMorgan did not       The blockage of the Suez Canal by a giant   Mediterranean.
       immediately respond to requests for   container vessel is likely to send ripples of   The canal is a crucial route, mainly used to
       comment. MUFG declined to comment.  disruption through the global energy supply   transport Middle Eastern crude to Europe and
         The planned pipeline transaction would be   chain.                     the U.S., as well as shipping fuel oil from the
       similar to infrastructure deals signed over the   European and U.S. refiners that rely on the   west to the east. The canal can take fully-laden
       last two years by Abu Dhabi’s national oil   vital waterway for cargoes of Middle Eastern   Suezmax vessels that carry about 1 million
       company ADNOC, which raised billions of   oil may be forced to look for replacement   barrels and bigger Very Large Crude Carriers,
       dollars by leasing its oil and gas pipeline assets   supplies should the blockage persist,   as long as they transfer some cargo out of the
       to investors, sources have previously said.  potentially boosting prices of alternative   vessel before transiting.
         Aramco is preparing a so-called “staple   grades. At the same time, flows of crude from   On a daily basis, about 600,000 barrels
       financing† for its bidders - a financing   North Sea fields destined for Asia will be held   of crude or less flow from the Middle East
       package provided by the seller that buyers can   up.                     to Europe and the U.S. via the canal, while
       use to back their purchase.           The critical trade route has been thrown   volumes from the Atlantic Basin to Asia
         One of the sources said the terms proposed   into turmoil after the container ship ran   total about 850,000 barrels a day, according
       by the company were “aggressive† both   aground on Tuesday, blocking traffic in both   to Anoop Singh, head of East of Suez tanker
       in terms of pricing and duration of the loan.  directions. While the vessel is only likely to   research at Braemar ACM Shipbroking Pte.
         A second source said the terms reflected   remain stuck for a couple of days, that’ll   In addition, 400,000 barrels of naphtha go
       market conditions, with Aramco taking   be long enough to scramble some energy   west-to-east through the waterway each day,
       advantage of banks flush with liquidity and   flows, creating an extra headache for refiners,   while 300,000 barrels of middle distillates

       Week 12   25•March•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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