Page 10 - DMEA Week 12 2021
P. 10

DMEA                                            REFINING                                               DMEA

       Mombasa refinery could be

       revived with biofuels plan

        AFRICA           PLANS are in motion to revive the dormant   Nairobi opted to convert the site into a storage
                         Kenya Petroleum Refineries Ltd (KPRL) facil-  facility and allowed Kenya Pipeline Co. (KPC) to
                         ity at Changamwe, Mombasa with Italy’s ENI in  lease the assets for a three-year term, scheduled
                         talks to convert the unit to process biofuels.  to expire in March 2020. KPC operates existing
                           The refinery was transformed into a storage  fuel tanks with capacity of 320mn litres at the
                         terminal in 2013 after ceasing refining opera-  port of Mombasa.
                         tions and most recently acted as a storage facility   KPRL’s facilities comprise 45 tanks with total
                         for crude oil produced under the Early Oil Pilot  capacity of 484mn litres, including 254mn litres
                         Scheme (EOPS) at the country’s South Lokichar  for refined products and 233mn litres (1.47mn
                         oilfields, which was halted in mid-2020.  barrels) for crude oil.
                           ENI CEO Claudio Descalzi last week met   ENI converted the Venice refinery to run on
                         with Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta to dis-  biofuels in 2014 and intends to produce biodiesel
                         cuss various green initiatives with a broad aim  by 2024, and also operates the country’s Gela
                         of increasing energy security in an “efficient and  bio-refinery.
                         sustainable” manner.                   Meanwhile, Petroleum and Mining Principal
                           Talks focused on a multi-year initiative to col-  Secretary Andrew Kamau said that ENI began
                         lect and process waste and agricultural residues  biofuels studies in December. “One of the things
                         in biofuel plants to produce fuels including bio-  we have been working on since December is bio-
                         diesel, bio-jet and bioethanol by using circular  fuels. Eni has been undertaking a study in Kenya
                         economy methods.                     to see how we can produce biodiesel and power
                           In a statement following the meeting, ENI  ethanol. The company is working with the min-
                         said: “The parties discussed the development  istries of petroleum, agriculture and Treasury to
                         of circular economy initiatives, including the  see how we can engage farmers to grow crops
                         recovery, regeneration and reuse of agricul-  that can produce fuel.”
                         tural and food waste produced in the country.   Kamau added that “the first step will be how
                         The industrial transformation of waste would  to get used cooking oil from households, hotels
                         enhance its contribution to power generation in  and restaurants and then refine it towards using
                         partial replacement of fossil sources, making a  it as biodiesel.
                         decisive contribution to the country’s decarbon-  The other thing we are looking at is the
                         isation process,”                    growing of the crops – these include rapeseed,
                           Central to this would be the conversion of the  castor seeds and sugar cane. This has the poten-
                         KPRL plant, which was the region’s only refinery.  tial to create employment and further develop
                           The closure of the 35,000-barrel per day unit  agriculture.”
                         followed the withdrawal of foreign partner Essar   During the same visit, ENI announced that
                         Oil of India, having deemed a promised upgrade  it had been given the rights to drill more explor-
                         and expansion project uneconomic. This fol-  atory wells offshore Mombasa, signing amend-
                         lowed heavily indebted KPRL being unable to  ments to three production-sharing contracts
                         finance further crude oil purchases.  (PSCs).™

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