Page 9 - DMEA Week 12 2021
P. 9
Edo state modular refinery to be
commissioned by year-end
AFRICA THE popularity of modular refining in Nigeria the indirect creation of 1,500 jobs in the local
is continuing to grow and another facility will be community. Wabote noted the growing momen-
launched by the end of the year in Edo state. tum behind modular refineries.
Last week, Duport Midstream Co. said that “When the Federal Government enunciated
the 2,500-barrel per day (bpd) unit it is develop- the policy on the development of modular refin-
ing in collaboration with the Nigerian Content eries, NCDMB decided to explore ways through
Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB) which we can build modular refineries to refine
at Egbokor would be ready for commissioning products locally,” he said.
during Q4. The Duport project is the third, following
During a site visit last week, NCDMB execu- the Waltersmith Modular Refinery in Imo state,
tive secretary Simbi Kesiye Wabote assessed pro- which has already come into operation process-
gress and confirmed that the project had reached ing 5,000 bpd, and the Azikel Modular Refinery
80% completion. in Bayelsa state. “Duport […] is the third project
He inspected ongoing work in the fabrication and we believe that it would be commissioned in
of tank farms, civil works, pipeline installation the last quarter of this year,” Wabote added. (see
and other site preparation. Meanwhile, Wabote next story)
noted that modules for the 2MW power plant Meanwhile, the Edo state government was
and control room were being fabricated and commended for “providing conducive environ-
assembled in Lagos for delivery to Egbokor. ment for the Duport Energy Park project” with
The refining unit will be joined by a 30mn Wabote saying that one of the key benefits of
cubic feet (850,000 cubic metres) per day gas the establishment of modular refineries “is the
processing facility and a power plant in the steady rebuilding of local skills in refinery opera-
Duport Energy Park and is expected to lead to tions especially amongst the young workforce”
Chemie Tech wins Azikel modular EPC
AFRICA AZIKEL Petroleum, a subsidiary of Nigeria’s engineering and design (FEED) work on the
Azikel Group, has appointed UAE-based Che- modular refinery’s outside battery limits (OSBL)
mie Tech to serve as its engineering, procure- areas, as well as preliminary operations.
ment and construction (EPC) contractor on a The project is running somewhat behind
modular refinery project. schedule, as Azikel Petroleum had previously
Chemie Tech said last week that it had signed said it hoped to bring the modular refinery on
a lump-sum, turn-key contract with Azikel line in 2018.
Petroleum for work on a 12,000 barrel per day The company has stated that it intends to
(bpd) modular refinery. The Nigerian company mount the plant’s modules on skids. It has also
wants to build the plant in Obunagha-Gbarain, said it will install six processing units at the facil-
a community in the Yenagoa local government ity: a crude distillation unit (CDU) with a debu-
area within Bayelsa State, it said. taniser, a catalytic reformer, a diesel hydrotreater,
Under the contract, Chemie Tech will carry a gasoline stabiliser, a naphtha hydrotreater and
out a wide range of tasks, including commission- a naphtha splitter.
ing, pre-commissioning, construction, detailed The plant will also have storage facilities with
engineering, fabrication, installation, procure- a capacity of 70,930 cubic metres.
ment, residual process engineering, testing and The refinery will eventually be able to pro-
performance-guarantee test run (PGTR) run duce LPG, gasoline, diesel, kerosene, jet fuel
operations. It will also be responsible for all pro- and heavy residual fuel oil. It will use catalytic
ject management activities and provide other reforming technology from the US company
services. Honeywell UOP to turn out high-quality fuel
As of press time, the UAE-based com- with an octane number of 89. For feedstock, it
pany had not revealed the value of the deal or will use Bonny Light grade crude oil and gas con-
the expected start date for construction. It did densate from the nearby Gbarian-Ubie Shell gas
note, though, that it had won the contract from gathering facility, which is operated by a subsid-
Azikel Petroleum after carrying out front-end iary of Royal Dutch Shell.
Week 12 25•March•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P9