Page 12 - DMEA Week 12 2021
P. 12

DMEA                                            PIPELINES                                              DMEA

       Ugandan MPs seek more info

       on EACOP borrowing plan

        AFRICA           MEMBERS of Uganda’s Parliament are seeking  which is typically more expensive than foreign
                         more information before approving the gov-  options because of higher interest rates.
                         ernment’s plan to borrow the money it needs to   They also expressed concern about a report
                         cover its 15% stake in the East Africa Crude Oil  from the Auditor General that criticised the gov-
                         Pipeline (EACOP).                    ernment for expanding its debt portfolio nearly
                           Members of Parliament’s national economy  to the maximum permitted level.
                         committee were due to discuss the plan, which   Kitutu responded to questions by pointing
                         calls for raising UGX475bn ($129.6mn) on the  out that Uganda had drawn up the plan because
                         domestic market to cover its portion of invest-  it needed to secure the money in order to move
                         ment in the project which is expected to carry a  the EACOP project toward a final investment
                         price tag of $3.55bn, in March 18.   decision (FID).
                           Government officials had been hoping to   She also joined with UNOC’s CEO Proscovia
                         secure a green light for the programme quickly,  Nabbanja in describing the pipeline as a scheme
                         in advance of a scheduled meeting with repre-  that was expected to generate profits over the
                         sentatives of Total, the French company that will  long term.
                         lead work on EACOP, on March 22.       EACOP is slated to be built by a consortium
                           However, committee members said on  in which Total will serve as the operator and have
                         March 18 that they would need more documen-  a 37.5% stake.
                         tation before making any decisions on this front.   The remaining equity will be divided between
                         Syda Bbumba, the chairwoman of the commit-  China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC),
                         tee, specifically requested copies of the intergov-  with 37.5%; UNOC, with 15%, and Tanza-
                         ernmental agreement (IGA), host government  nia Petroleum Development Corp. (TPDC),
                         agreement (HGA), tariff agreement, transpor-  with 5%. Both Total and CNOOC are involved
                         tation agreement and shareholders agreement  in developing the oilfields that will provide
                         signed for the EACOP project.        throughput for the pipeline.
                           She instructed Energy and Mineral Develop-  According to previous reports, EACOP will
                         ment Minister Mary Goretti Kitutu and repre-  follow a 1,445-km path from Hoima, a town in
                         sentatives of Uganda National Oil Co. (UNOC)  western Uganda, to Tanga, a port on Tanzania’s
                         to collect these documents and submit them to  coast.
                         the committee on March 22.             The link will be able to carry 216,000 barrels
                           As of press time, it was not clear whether  per day (bpd) of oil from Blocks 1, 1A, 2 and 3A
                         UNOC and Kitutu had complied with those  in western Uganda, which are home to the King-
                         instructions.                        fisher and Tilenga fields.
                           Committee members explained their request   These fields are due to begin production in
                         on March 18 by raising questions about Kam-  2025 and will eventually yield at least 260,000
                         pala’s plan to borrow on the domestic market,  barrels per day (bpd) of crude.™

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