Page 13 - DMEA Week 12 2021
P. 13
Petrofac’s Basra terminal
contract extended
MIDDLE EAST UK-BASED Petrofac’s Engineering & Produc- contract extension strengthens our long-term
tion Services division last week announced a client partnership. Since the start of our involve-
one-year extension to its contract with Basra ment in 2012, we have supported this facility to
Oil Co. (BOC) for Iraq’s main export terminal export over 4bn barrels of oil. Our teams in Iraq
infrastructure. have an impeccable safety record and the use of
Petrofac said that the $80mn extension was innovative solutions has been at the heart of our
“recognition of Petrofac’s successful eight-year delivery model. We look forward to supporting
track record of safe delivery as the incumbent our client to maintain the best-in-class operation
operations and maintenance service provider” of this important national asset.”
for the Iraq Crude Oil Export Expansion Project The majority of Iraq’s crude is transported to
(ICOEEP). the Al Başrah Oil Terminal (ABOT) and Khor
The facility is responsible for around 55% of al-Amaya Oil Terminal (KAAOT) via the Stra-
Iraq’s crude exports. It is located 60 km offshore tegic Pipeline (SP), then on to the SPMs of the
the Al Fao Peninsula and comprises a central ICOEEP.
metering and manifold platform and four single Built in 1975, the SP consists of two parallel
point moorings (SPMs) that facilitate oil export pipelines and is theoretically able to transport
on to awaiting crude carrier tankers. oil north and south between federal and Kurd-
Petrofac is also contracted to perform main- ish-controlled areas, and connects to the export
tenance on nearly 300 km of subsea pipelines, line that runs through Turkey to the port of Cey-
1,800 metres of subsea and floating hose infra- han. However, because of disrepair and political
structure and a marine spread comprising 14 concerns, it is currently used only to gather oil
vessels. from central and southern Iraq and pipe it into
The company’s senior vice-president of oper- the tank farms at Zubair, Tuba and al-Fao, run-
ations for EPS East, Steve Webber, said: “This ning at around 3.5mn bpd.
Week 12 25•March•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P13