Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 21 2021
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MOVES BIF 2021 will also offer a presentation room in the capital of Petrobras Distribuidora,
for public and private projects in Brazil that clarifies that, as disclosed on 08/26/2020, the
Latin America’s most are seeking foreign direct investment. company’s board of directors approved this
sale by means of a secondary public offering
“Apex-Brasil looks forward to bringing
significant event for foreign together decision makers and opinion leaders (follow-on).
from all around the globe for the virtual Brasil
However, the moment to launch the offer
investment, the Brasil Investment Forum 2021,” Augusto Pestana, has not yet been defined, which is subject to
market conditions, the approval of Petrobras’
CEO of Apex-Brasil, commented. “It will
Investment Forum, to make showcase how Brazil´s robust and diverse internal bodies, notably as to price, and
the analysis of the Brazilian Securities and
economy is growing through an innovative
virtual return in 2021 culture, modernization reforms, strong Exchange Commission (CVM) and other
regulatory and self-regulatory bodies, under
partnerships and foreign direct investment.
Apex-Brasil, the Brazilian Trade and We are pleased that with this year’s virtual the terms of the applicable legislation.
Investment Promotion Agency – along with format, more C-level executives will have the The company will keep the market
its partners, the Inter-American Development opportunity to connect than ever before.” informed about any material information
Bank (IDB) and the Brazilian Federal Although BIF is Brazil’s largest event about the sale
Government – is pleased to host the two-day for foreign investment, BIF organizer and PETROBRAS, May 21, 2021
Brasil Investment Forum (BIF) next week on sponsor, Apex-Brasil, works year-round,
May 31 and June 1. It is anticipated that BIF deploying a variety of strategies to promote Sempra Energy announces
will feature opening remarks from Brazilian Brazilian products and services abroad
President Jair Bolsonaro, along with other and to attract further investment in the results of exchange offer
exciting keynotes and panel discussions Brazilian economy. Whether it’s arranging for
from the world’s largest companies, key companies to be spotlighted on trade show for publicly owned shares
decision-makers, and representatives from room floors, introducing Brazilian startups to
the press and academia, to discuss unique new ecosystems across the world, or helping of IEnova
investment opportunities in Brazil’s business to arrange auctions for concessions in priority
environment. areas like oil and gas and sanitation, Apex- Sempra Energy today announced the
This year’s annual BIF event will feature a Brasil is dedicated to supporting Brazil’s expiration and final results of its exchange
strong and productive agenda via a flexible journey towards becoming an economic offer to acquire the outstanding shares of
and accessible virtual platform that is likely powerhouse. IEnova (Infraestructura Energética Nova) not
to attract as many as 3,000 attendees from APEX-BRASIL, May 25, 2021 owned by Sempra Energy. The exchange offer
across the globe. In addition to President expired on May 24, 2021.
Bolsonaro, it’s expected that the Economy Petrobras clarifies about Sempra Energy offered to exchange each
Minister Paulo Guedes, Foreign Affairs outstanding IEnova ordinary share that it does
Minister Carlos Alberto França, President the sale of stake in not own for 0.0323 shares of Sempra Energy’s
of the Inter-American Development Bank common stock. Of the 433,242,720 IEnova
(IDB) Mauricio Claver-Carone and more will Petrobras Distribuidora ordinary shares eligible for participation in
speak next week about the significant progress the exchange offer, 381,015,194 ordinary
Brazil has made in several strategic sectors, Petróleo Brasileiro – Petrobras, regarding the shares were validly tendered and accepted.
such as agribusiness, energy, infrastructure, pieces of news published in the media, about In exchange for the ordinary shares, Sempra
innovation, and technology, among others. the sale of its full remaining 37.5% interest Energy will issue 12,306,777 shares of its
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 21 27•May•2021