Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 21 2021
P. 15

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       common stock to the IEnova shareholders   Sempra Energy’s non-utility infrastructure   ENERGY TRANSITION
       who participated in the exchange offer. Upon   investments under one self-funding platform,
       the settlement of the exchange offer, which is   Sempra Infrastructure, combining the   Frontera Energy releases its
       expected to occur on May 28, 2021, Sempra   strengths of Sempra LNG, a leading developer
       Energy’s ownership interest in IEnova will be   of liquefied natural gas (LNG) export   2020 Sustainability Report
       96.4%. Sempra Energy achieved its target of   infrastructure, and IEnova, one of the largest
       exceeding 95% ownership of IEnova through   private energy companies in Mexico and a   Frontera Energy today released its 2020
       the exchange offer. Accordingly, Sempra   leading developer and operator of renewables   Sustainability Report and reaffirmed its
       Energy is one step closer to achieving its goal   and natural gas infrastructure in that country.   commitment to develop new visions for
       of acquiring the remaining 3.6% interest. Also   In April, Sempra Energy announced that it   environmental, social and governance (ESG)
       on May 28, 2021, Sempra Energy’s common   has entered into a definitive agreement to sell   approaches across its business.
       stock will begin to trade on the Mexican   a non-controlling, 20% interest in Sempra   Orlando Cabrales, chief executive officer,
       Stock Exchange (Bolsa Mexicana de Valores,   Infrastructure to KKR for $3.37 billion in   Frontera commented: “Frontera’s 2020
       “BMV”), and will continue to trade on the   cash, subject to adjustments.  Sustainability Report highlights the progress
       New York Stock Exchange.            SEMPRA ENERGY, May 25, 2021          the company made over the last year to
         “We could not be more excited about our                                act consistently and transparently, to offer
       successful exchange offer and the prospect   S&P Global Ratings          quality employment, to promote a sustainable
       of listing our company’s shares on the BMV.                              supply chain, to contribute to the sustainable
       Many of Mexico’s most successful companies   downgrades Ecopetrol        development of communities and to work
       are listed there,” said Jeffrey W. Martin,                               in harmony with the environment. The
       chairman and CEO of Sempra Energy. “This   rating following the same     Sustainability Report is a relevant tool for our
       is an important step forward in advancing                                stakeholders to track the company’s progress
       our Sempra Infrastructure platform, which   rating action on Colombia’s   towards achieving its ESG goals.”
       we expect will create scale, unlock portfolio                              Frontera’s Sustainability Report covers the
       synergies, highlight value and better position   sovereign rating        period from January 1, 2020 to December
       the business for growth.”                                                31, 2020. The Sustainability Report has been
         “Today’s announcement advances our   Ecopetrol informs that, in line with the   prepared in accordance with the Global
       financial strength as part of the Sempra   downgrade of the rating of the Republic of   Reporting Initiative and is also aligned with
       Infrastructure platform and bolsters our   Colombia , the rating agency S&P Global   the Sustainable Accounting Standards Board
       commitment to investing in the energy   Ratings downgraded the company’s credit   (SASB), Task Force on Climate-related
       infrastructure needed to support Mexico’s   rating from BBB- (negative outlook) to BB+   Financial Disclosures, the Global Compact,
       economic growth and overall success for   (stable outlook).              the Voluntary Principles on Human Rights
       many years to come,” said Tania Ortiz, CEO   S&P Global Ratings maintained Ecopetrol’s   and Security, and the UN Sustainable
       of IEnova.                          Stand-Alone rating (without incorporating   Development Goals.
         The exchange offer is part of a series   government support) at bbb-.  FRONTERA ENERGY, May 26, 2021
       of transactions originally announced in   ECOPETROL, May 21, 2021
       December 2020 that are intended to simplify

       Week 21   27•May•2021                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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