Page 11 - LatAmOil Week 21 2021
P. 11

LatAmOil                                         BRAZIL                                            LatAmOil

       Brazilian regulator approves more

       Petrobras asset transfers

        INVESTMENT       BRAZIL’S regulator, ANP, has approved the  push to sell non-core assets and cut debt, while
                         transfer of two onshore assets from state-owned  sharpening its focus on its prolific pre-salt oper-
                         Petrobras to private companies.      ations offshore. According to BNAmericas, the
                           This week, the regulator authorised the trans-  state-owned company is in the process of selling
                         fer of the Dó-Ré-Mi field in the Sergipe Basin to  its operating stake in around 120 fields across
                         Centro Oeste Óleo e Gás, Petrobras sold the field  several basins, having already sold around 145
                         in August 2020 for $37.6mn, and it is currently  fields since 2019, mostly onshore and in shallow
                         out of operation.                    waters, to a variety of buyers.
                           Separately, ANP also approved the transfer of   The company’s efforts have been bolstered
                         the Remanso hub, in the Recôncavo Basin, to Pet-  by strengthening oil prices. Earlier this month,
                         roRecôncavo. The hub comprises 12 fields in Bahia  Reuters cited sources familiar with the matter as
                         State – Brejinho, Canabrava, Cassarongongo,  saying Petrobras had reopened bidding for its
                         Fazenda Belém, Gomo, Mata de São João, Norte  Golfinho offshore oilfield cluster on improved
                         Fazenda Caruaçu, Remanso, Rio dos Ovos, Rio  crude prices.
                         Subaúma and São Pedro e Sesmaria. PetroRecôn-  Separately, PetroRio said earlier in May that
                         cavo bought the asset in December for $30mn.  it was still interested in acquiring the Albacora
                           The latest data from Petrobras show the 12  field in the Campos Basin from Petrobras, but
                         fields were producing 3.9 barrels per day (bpd)  that it was also looking at other offshore assets.
                         of oil and 75,000 cubic metres per day of natural  PetroRio expects the offer phase for Albacora
                         gas as of November 2020.             to take place in July, according to the company’s
                           The approvals come as Petrobras continues its  earnings call.™


       Peru rations gas amid

       liquefaction plant outage

        PROJECTS &       GASES del Pacifico-Quavii, a subsidiary of  outlined measures to help deal with the outage,
        COMPANIES        Colombia’s Promigas and one of Peru’s leading  including the authorisation of LNG imports for
                         natural gas distributors, is rationing supply fol-  60 days. Indeed, Maal said Promigas was con-
                         lowing an outage at the Peru LNG liquefaction  sidering importing LNG from Chile or Ecua-
                         plant, on which it relies for gas.   dor in order to offset the shortage created by the
                           Argus Media reported this week that the  outage.
                         company was taking steps to ensure supply con-  Ecuador is geographically closer, but would
                         tinues to 135,000 households that it services in  be a surprising choice given that it is not an LNG
                         seven cities in northern Peru.       exporter. Chile’s 1.5mn tonne per year (tpy) GNL
                           “We have implemented supply rationing for  Mejillones terminal, operated by France’s Engie,
                         sectors with the highest levels of gas consump-  could be an option as an interim source of sup-
                         tion,” Promigas Peru’s CEO, Miguel Maal, was  ply, but also presents a logistical challenge. The
                         quoted by Argus as saying. “In order to mitigate  terminal is relatively close to cities covered by
                         the impacts of this situation, which is outside our  state-owned PetroPeru in southern Peru, but it
                         control, we have activated a contingency plan  is nearly 1,833 miles (2,950 km) from Chiclayo,
                         that prioritises service to households as stipu-  the northern-most city served by Gases del
                         lated by the government’s emergency decree.”  Pacifico-Quavii.
                           As a result of the rationing, consumption in   Peru LNG went offline in early May, owing
                         the Gases del Pacifico-Quaviito concession has  to a problem with one of its compressors (See
                         fallen to 2mn cubic feet (56,640 cubic metres)  LatAmOil Week 20). Hunt Oil, the majority
                         per day.                             shareholder in Peru LNG with a 50% stake, said
                           The government’s emergency decree, pub-  it was working to restore service by the end of
                         lished on May 13, after Peru LNG went offline,  the month.™

       Week 21   27•May•2021                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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