Page 8 - LatAmOil Week 21 2021
P. 8

LatAmOil                                          GLOBAL                                            LatAmOil

       GECF rejects IEA call to end

       upstream investment

        ENERGY           THE Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF)  upstream development and directing investment
        TRANSITION       has released a statement rejecting the finding  resources instead towards expensive decarboni-
                         of a report released by the International Energy  sation options and technologies, some of which
                         Agency (IEA) last week, which concluded that  are yet to be proven.”
                         there should be no further investment in oil and   The GECF also drew attention to the fact that
                         gas production as the world strives towards net-  the report’s net-zero scenario assumes a rapid
                         zero emissions.                      deployment of net-zero technologies that are not
                           In its Net Zero by 2050: a Roadmap for the  currently available on the market.
                         Global Energy Sector, the IEA predicted that in   “This technology challenge is further exac-
                         a net-zero scenario, natural gas demand would  erbated when considering the developing coun-
                         start falling in the mid-2020s, from a peak of 4.3  tries that have no access to technologies and
                         trillion cubic metres to 3.7 tcm in 2030 and 1.75  financial resources,” it said.
                         tcm in 2050, or 55% less than the level in 2020.   Ending upstream investment in gas can
                         As such, it concluded that “no new natural gas  jeopardise energy security and prevent some   The group
                         fields are needed beyond those already under  countries from accessing competitive and clean
                         development. Also not needed are many of the  energy sources, it said. Some $571bn of invest-  estimates that
                         LNG liquefaction facilities currently under con-  ment was spent on upstream operations between
                         struction or at the planning stage.”  2010 and 2019, up 79% versus the level in the   primary energy
                           The GECF, comprised of the world’s biggest  2000s, the GECF said. A further $472mn went
                         gas-producing countries, instead projects that  on gas transportation and trade infrastructure,  demand will rise
                         gas will increase its share in the global energy  up 67% on the previous 10-year period.  by 24% over
                         mix to 28% from 23% today, given its “essential”   “Regardless of any financing structural
                         role in helping countries decarbonise. The group  changes due to market ambiguities, the level of   the next three
                         estimates that primary energy demand will rise  investment is expected to grow in the long term,”
                         by 24% over the next three decades, driven by  the GECF said. “It is estimated that total gas  decades, driven
                         economic and population growth.      investment, including upstream and midstream
                           “The only approach to achieve energy mar-  activities between 2020 and 2050, will reach   by economic
                         ket stability, responsible and inclusive economic  about $10 trillion, representing a compound   and population
                         growth, as well as sustainable development goals,  annual growth of 1.26% from a total of $258bn
                         is to consider natural gas as a destination fuel that  in 2020 to $375bn in 2050.”  growth.
                         will always be an essential element in achieving a   The GECF’s members include Algeria,
                         lower-carbon energy system,” it said. “The GECF  Bolivia, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Iran, Libya,
                         believes in the right of countries, particularly  Nigeria, Qatar, Russia, Trinidad and Tobago and
                         the developing economies, to have access to an  Venezuela. It also counts Angola, Azerbaijan,
                         abundant, affordable and clean source of energy.  Iraq, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Norway, Peru and
                         We don’t condone restrictions of policies on  the UAE as observers.™

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