Page 5 - LatAmOil Week 21 2021
P. 5

LatAmOil                                     COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                           Nonetheless, several studies in recent years  pandemic, as well as ongoing domestic political
                         have looked at the viability of building an LNG  and economic issues. However, Pan American
                         plant in Argentina. This includes state-owned  Energy’s Freyre said recent exports were a good
                         YPF’s move to explore the possibility of building  basis for renewing relationships with buyers
                         a 5-10mn tonne per year liquefaction complex  in regional markets – such as Brazil, Chile and
                         in Bahia Blanca. OIES estimated that in order to  Uruguay – backed by the Vaca Muerta shale play,
                         produce 5-10mn tpy of LNG it would be neces-  which still holds considerable promise despite its
                         sary to unlock firm feed gas supply of 21-42mn  recent difficulties.
                         cubic metres per day, including roughly 10% of   Certain developments in terms of regional
                         gas consumed in the LNG production process.  exports are already underway, with Pampa
                           Using Argentine government supply and  Energia, the country’s fifth-biggest gas pro-
                         demand projections released in 2019, OIES  ducer, currently waiting for an export contract
                         estimated that the volumes necessary to feed a  to be approved, according to its CEO, Gustavo
                         10mn tpy project operating at 87% of availability  Mariani.
                         would only be available in the country by 2035.   Exports are poised to grow now that the
                         By 2030, the volumes available for LNG exports  Argentine government has authorised sales
                         could only feed a 2.5mn tpy plant operating at  under fixed-term contracts instead of those that
                         full capacity, or a 5mn tpy plant operating at 60%  can be interrupted if supplies are tight, accord-
                         availability, OIES continued.        ing to Freyre. The new allowance is for exporting
                           The institute warned, however, that utilisa-  during the warmer months, between October
                         tion factors of 60-80%, when accounting for the  and April or May, but not in the winter months
                         impact of seasonal demand, would be below the  of June-September, when the country imports
                         utilisation rates of the most competitive LNG  LNG to meet domestic demand.  One major
                         plants in the world, which run above 85%.  Indeed, Argentina is now set to import more
                           “This is a common issue for countries with  LNG over the coming months, in line with   challenge for
                         strong domestic demand seasonality,” OIES said.  seasonal trends. Demand is even higher than   Argentina if it
                         “In order to solve this situation, it would be nec-  expected this year, as activity rebounds from the
                         essary to invest in gas storage, divert gas from  COVID-19 pandemic, and the country has com-  is to develop
                         regional markets to the LNG plant or to develop  missioned a second floating storage and regasi-
                         an LNG hub with fields, pipeline, LPG [liquefied  fication unit (FSRU) to meet its import needs.  new liquefaction
                         petroleum gas] processing plant and LNG plant   The FSRU, provided by Excelerate Energy,
                         dedicated exclusively to exports.”   will dock at the port of Bahía Blanca for 98 days   capacity is the
                                                              from May 26, according to a previous announce-  seasonal nature
                         What next?                           ment from the state news agency.
                         All of this makes the development of significant   Any new liquefaction project would have to   of its domestic
                         LNG export capacity all the more challenging.  take these seasonal trends into consideration.
                         This is not helped by the fact that gas producers  If Argentina is able to ramp up Vaca Muerta   gas demand.
                         themselves are prioritising regional pipeline gas  production sufficiently then the seasonal chal-
                         exports ahead of LNG exports.        lenges can be circumvented, and indeed there
                           The country’s gas exports averaged 2.8 mcm  are expectations that activity in the play will
                         per day in 2020, down from 4.2 mcm per day in  now rise. However, there is no guarantee that
                         2019, according to Energy Secretariat data. The  the country will be successful in growing its gas
                         decline came as Argentina grappled with chal-  production given the high levels of uncertainty
                         lenges caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19)  around economic and political conditions.™

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