Page 6 - LatAmOil Week 21 2021
P. 6

LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

       Buyers emerge for

       Shell’s refineries

       News of two separate US refinery sales by Shell

       emerged over the past week, with Mexico’s

       Pemex being one of the buyers, while there
       were also reports of a bid on a third refinery

        INVESTMENT       ROYAL Dutch Shell’s efforts to whittle down its  company spokesperson as saying the super-ma-
                         refining portfolio are bearing fruit. This week,  jor was actively evaluating options for Convent,
       WHAT:             two separate sales involving Shell’s refinery oper-  including the possibility of selling the facility or
       Three separate    ations in the US were announced, while reports  opting to retain it.
       developments relating to   also emerged of a bid for a third refinery.
       sales of Shell’s refineries   On May 24, the super-major said it had  Buyer interest
       in the US emerged over   agreed to sell its 50% interest in Deer Park  Whatever happens to Convent, it is clear from
       the past week.    Refining Limited Partnership to its partner in  this week’s events – and also the super-major’s
                         the joint venture, PMI Norteamerica, a subsidi-  agreement to sell its Puget Sound refinery in
       WHY:              ary of Mexico’s Pemex.               Washington State to HollyFrontier earlier this
       The super-major is   This was followed by a May 26 announce-  month – that there is interest in buying Shell’s
       whittling down its   ment that three Shell subsidiaries had reached  refineries. This is timely, as the company is trying
       refining portfolio as it   an agreement to sell the Mobile Chemical  to decarbonise and was ordered by a Dutch court
       seeks decarbonise its   refinery in Mobile, Alabama, to Vertex Energy  this week to drastically accelerate its greenhouse
       operations and respond   Operating.                    gas (GHG) emissions reduction efforts.
       to demand trends.   Separately, Reuters reported on May 24 that   While Shell will appeal against this ruling, it
                         American Clean Energy Refining (ACER) was  will nonetheless continue pursuing decarboni-
       WHAT NEXT:        bidding to buy Shell’s idled Convent refinery in  sation, and considers shrinking its refining port-
       The Deer Park refinery   Louisiana, which had been shut in December.  folio to be part of this push. The super-major
       will be the first that   A separate Reuters report cited ACER’s CEO,  said late last year that it would reduce its global
       Pemex will solely own and   George Dabbs, as saying his company had pre-  refining operations from 14 plants at the time to
       operate outside Mexico.  viously bid for Convent but that this offer had  six, over an unspecified timeframe. The remain-
                         been rejected by Shell.              ing six plants will be transformed into “high-
                           Reports about the ACER bid are conflicting,  value energy and chemical parks” that will be
                         with some suggesting that the second bid has  integrated into Shell’s petrochemical business,
                         also been rejected already, while others said  it said at the time.
                         it was still under consideration. Shell has not   The company anticipates that demand for
                         addressed the bid directly, but Reuters cited a  petrochemicals will grow. Meanwhile, demand

                                                                                                  Shell is still deciding
                                                                                                  what to do with the
                                                                                                  shuttered Convent
                                                                                                  refinery in Louisiana.

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 21   27•May•2021
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