Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 21 2021
P. 4

LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

       Scepticism over Argentina’s

       LNG export potential

       Argentina’s ambitions to become a major LNG exporter are unlikely to be

       realised in the shorter term, and the country’s producers are prioritising

       regional pipeline exports

        PERFORMANCE      ARGENTINA  still harbours ambitions to  Obstacles
                         become a major exporter of LNG thanks to its  Scepticism over Argentina’s shorter-term LNG
       WHAT:             Vaca Muerta shale resource – though gas pro-  export potential has come from various sources
       Argentina’s ambitions   duction from the play peaked in 2019. Given  recently. Among these is the Oxford Institute
       to become a major LNG   this decline, and broader political and economic  for Energy Studies (OIES), which published a
       exporter look increasingly   uncertainties, these ambitions look increasingly  paper on the country’s gas export prospects in
       unachievable in the short   unachievable in the shorter term.  collaboration with Austral University earlier
       term.               Indeed, the country is currently preparing to  this month.
                         import more LNG over the winter to meet higher   OIES echoed the expectation that new full-
       WHY:              domestic gas demand. Meanwhile, Argentina’s  scale LNG projects were unlikely to be devel-
       The country’s economic   gas producers appear to be prioritising regional  oped in the country before 2030. It cited a lack
       and political situation   gas exports via pipeline.    of political and economic predictability, as well
       remains unpredictable,   In the longer term, though, there is more  as the absence of “clear, long-term” energy pol-
       and producers are   confidence in Argentina eventually being able to  icies. The institute said it was possible that new
       prioritising pipeline gas   ramp up LNG exports, bolstered by the country’s  projects could be developed for start-up beyond
       exports.          Gas Plan 4, which aims to support domestic pro-  2030, but warned that there was a risk of assets
                         duction, among other measures. Even so, devel-  winding up stranded given a government pledge
       WHAT NEXT:        oping a major liquefaction terminal would take  to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
       Argentina will ramp up   several years from the point that there is enough   According to OIES, one major challenge for
       LNG imports over the   confidence in future gas supply to sanction such  Argentina if it is to develop new liquefaction
       winter to meet higher   a project. Indeed, BP-backed Pan American  capacity is the seasonal nature of its domestic
       domestic gas demand.  Energy’s vice-president of gas, electricity and  gas demand. In particular, demand rises over the
                         development, Rodolfo Freyre, said at an energy  period May-September winter period, and OIES
                         forum organised by the Ambito Financiero  warned that this would result in lower utilisation
                         newspaper this month that he did not expect any  rates for any new LNG plant, affecting the eco-
                         such facility to come online until around 2030.  nomics of such a project.

                                                                                                  Argentina’s production
                                                                                                  growth and export
                                                                                                  ambitions are
                                                                                                  underpinned by the
                                                                                                  Vaca Muerta shale play.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 21   27•May•2021
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