Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 21 2021
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LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       are already being adopted by the company
       and that will be expanded with RefTOP are
       the Digital Twins - digital representations
       of the operational facilities - for real-time
       monitoring, failure reduction, and easier
       decision-making. Another important driver of
       the program is the increase in the production
       of high value-added oil products, such as
       diesel and propylene - raw material for the
       petrochemical industry for the production of
       packaging and automotive parts, for example.
       The company will leverage the processing
       of pre-salt oils, which have low sulphur
       content, bringing competitive advantages and
       opportunities to increase the refining margin,
       favouring the production of S-10 diesel and
         The investments in RefTOP until 2025
       are approximately US$ 300 million and are
       included in the US$ 3.7bn of investments
       foreseen for refining in the Strategic Plan
         RefTOP, together with the Gas + Program
       and BioRefining 2030, will prepare the
       company’s refining and natural gas activities
       for an open and competitive market, in
       transition to a low-carbon economy, as   a 4% CAGR. This should allow for improved   undertaken by SBM for ExxonMobil’s Liza
       envisioned in the Strategic Plan 2021-25.  earnings from our carrier portfolio and create   field in Guyana. MUFG is acting as Technical
       PETROBRAS, May 24, 2021             a supportive backdrop for this as a stand-  Bank on behalf of a group of Lenders for the
                                           alone business.                      financing facility.
       Golar LNG: Interim results          strengthening, increasing the attractiveness   includes the initial technical due diligence on
                                              Current and forward energy prices are also
                                                                                  Crondall Energy’s scope of services
       for the period ended March          of LNG upstream investments and our   the project as well as an ongoing monitoring
                                           FLNG technology. We continue to pursue
                                                                                role through the EPCI project development
       31, 2021                            FLNG growth projects including both tolling   phase. The scope covers all aspects of the
                                           arrangements and opportunities to develop
                                                                                facility including project management,
       The first quarter and subsequent months   hydrocarbon exposure through ownership of   process engineering, marine engineering and
       have been positive and eventful for Golar.   gas molecules suitable for production by our   a review of the project contracting framework.
       With the announcement of the sale of Golar   FLNG technology.            The Liza Unity uses a standardized MPF hull
       LNG Partners LP (GMLP) and Hygo Energy   Finally, we are pleased to have appointed   developed by SBM and fabricated in China
       Transition to New Fortress Energy (NFE) on   Mr. Karl Fredrik Staubo as CEO and Mr.   with topsides modules and integration being
       January 13, and closing of the transactions on   Eduardo Maranhao as CFO. With their   carried out in Singapore. Overall project
       April 15, Golar has made significant progress   GMLP and Hygo backgrounds both have   management is by SBM.
       simplifying its business, crystalising the value   been intimately involved with the business   Anna-Louise Peters, Managing Director
       of its asset portfolio, and strengthening its   for some time and will be familiar faces to   of Crondall Energy’s consultancy business
       balance sheet.                      Golar stakeholders, allowing for a seamless   said that the ongoing work in support of
         We are encouraged by the strength of   transition.                     Lenders and financiers on a number of FPSO
       shipping rates during what is normally a   GOLAR LNG, May 20, 2021       developments reflects Crondall Energy’s
       seasonally weak period, with TFDE1 spot                                  deep knowledge and understanding of these
       rates currently around $70,000 per day.                                  complex projects, as well as its ability to assist
       The negative impact of potential EEXI   SERVICES                         Lenders in managing the development phase
       regulations on the viability of up to 254                                and addressing the risks inherent in offshore
       steam turbine carriers relative to a global   Technical consultant role   projects. “We continue to be grateful for
       on-the-water fleet of 597 vessels and a 130                              the trust placed in Crondall’s team by both
       vessel orderbook means that Golar’s longer   on Liza Unity FPSO awarded   MUFG and SBM in appointing Crondall on
       term view of the shipping business has also                              this important project”. Anna-Louise noted
       materially improved. The few shipyards   to Crondall Energy              that Crondall Energy also acted on behalf of
       capable of building LNG carriers are filling                             Lenders for the Liza Destiny FPSO project
       with container newbuild orders and we do not   Crondall Energy Consultants is pleased   completed at the end of 2019.
       see potential for significant new LNG carrier   to be supporting MUFG Bank as Lenders’   CRONDALL ENERGY CONSULTANTS, May 25,
       orders before 2024. Over the same timeframe   Technical Consultant for the Liza Unity FPSO   2021
       LNG trade is expected to continue to grow by   project financing. The EPCI project is being

       Week 21   27•May•2021                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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