Page 12 - FSUOGM Week 16 2021
P. 12

FSUOGM                                 PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                         FSUOGM

       Caspian secures higher domestic

       price for BNG crude

        KAZAKHSTAN       KAZAKHSTAN-FOCUSED Caspian Sunrise  Caspian’s non-executive chairman Clive Carver
                         has obtained a higher domestic price for oil from  said in a statement on April 16.
       The junior producer has   its flagship BNG asset in the country’s west, help-  Shares in Caspian were up 8% by early after-
       to sell a good deal of its   ing to shore up its financial position.  noon on the day of the announcement, trading
       crude domestically.  The company has to sell a large share of its  at GBP00.26. This follows a 15% growth on April
                         crude on the domestic market, as obtaining  8, after the company reported an operational
                         export permits is often a slow and arduous pro-  update from BNG.
                         cess for junior producers in Kazakhstan. The   In a statement that day, the company said it
                         government tries to keep some oil supply back  had produced 120,000 barrels of oil from BNG
                         for the domestic refining industry, and these  during the first three months of the year, and that
                         permits are sometimes granted on a well-by-  the average price for these supplies had increased
                         well basis.                          to $7.27 per barrel from $6. Caspian also said it
                           Over the past 12 months it has received  was undertaking fracking operations to bring its
                         merely $6 per barrel of oil from BNG domesti-  deep wells into production.
                         cally, but the price has now been raised to $12.4.   “With the improving weather we are able to
                         The hike will provide a significant boost to Cas-  increase the pace of our operations at BNG,”
                         pian’s finances, the company said, even though  Carver said earlier this month. “We now have
                         the price is still far below what it could fetch on  three operational rigs and expect a fourth rig to
                         international markets.               become operational in the next few weeks.”
                           In February, Caspian said it was obliged to sell   Caspian currently produces from only the
                         40-45% of its crude on the domestic market.   shallow MJF structure at BNG, but there are
                           “This news is very welcome and we hope it  deeper zones yet to be brought into flow. The
                         marks the beginning of the closing of the gap  deeper drilling needed to target these zones is
                         between international and domestic prices to  costlier, but the rewards are potentially much
                         levels seen before [coronavirus] COVID-19,”  greater. ™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 16   21•April•2021
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