Page 8 - FSUOGM Week 16 2021
P. 8

FSUOGM                                        COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       Novatek makes another bid for

       Gazprom's Tambey fields

       Mikhelson has reportedly convinced Putin that the Tambey fields would be

       better used for LNG

        RUSSIA           RUSSIA’S largest LNG producer Novatek is  including 2.5 tcm in C1 reserves and 4.8 tcm
                         once again in discussions with the Russian gov-  in C2 reserves. Gazprom head Alexei Miller
       WHAT:             ernment to acquire the Tambey group of fields  has described them as a world-class project,
       Novatek wants control of   on the Yamal Peninsula, currently belonging to  even though the company apparently can-
       Gazprom's Tambey fields.  Gazprom. Novatek CEO and major shareholder  not settle on a feasible means of developing
                         Leonid Mikhelson proposed the move in a meet-  them.
       WHY:              ing with Russian President Vladimir Putin on   His rival Mikhelson managed to convince
       Novatek wants to use   April 13, Kommersant reported last week citing  Putin in their latest meeting that it is strategically
       the fields' gas for LNG   sources.                     more profitable for Russia that the assets are used
       exports, but Gazprom has   The undeveloped fields – Tambeyskoye,  for LNG rather than pipe exports, Kommersant
       pipe plans in mind.  Malyginskoye, Yuzhno-Tambeyskoye and Sya-  sources claimed. Previously the Russian billion-
                         dorskoye – have been under Gazprom’s control  aire had offered to pay for the fields partly in cash
       WHAT NEXT:        since 2008, when the company secured rights to  and partly in Novatek shares, of which nearly
       Analysts doubt that the   them without having to bid in a tender. But the  10% are already controlled by Gazprom. But
       bid will be successful,   company is yet to sign off on a development plan,  Gazprom is still opposed to the deal, according
       however.          and has spurned repeated requests from Novatek  to Kommersant.
                         to form a partnership to use the gas to underpin   The Tambey fields contain significant
                         LNG exports. Gazprom instead favours using  amounts of so-called wet gas, with a high ethane
                         the fields for pipeline gas exports, either to its  content.
                         main market Europe or to China via the pro-  “This presents a problem for pipeline use
                         posed Power of Siberia 2.            – albeit not insurmountable – but separating
                           The Tambey group holds 7.3 trillion cubic  out these liquids and selling them separately
                         metres of gas, according to state estimates,  is a relatively easy part of the gas liquefaction

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