Page 4 - FSUOGM Week 16 2021
P. 4
Russia strikes investment deals
with refineries
Russia wants to earn more from its refining sector and bolster domestic fuel supply security
RUSSIA RUSSIA’S energy ministry has entered into Taneco complex, Gazprom’s Neftekhim Salavat,
investment deals with 14 refineries worth and independent plants Novoskakhtinsk and
WHAT: RUB800bn ($10.5bn) for the construction of Antipinsk.
Russia has signed new processing units. Earlier NewsBase reported that Tatneft had
incentive deals for The investments will be spent building 30 clinched an investment deal worth RUB50bn for
refining upgrades. units, the commissioning of which will lead to a upgrades at Taneco, involving the construction
growth in Russian Euro-5 standard gasoline sup- of units for delayed coking, catalytic cracking,
WHY: ply by over 3.6mn tonnes per year, and Euro-5 heavy residue hydroconversion and isodewax-
The government wants standard diesel by 25mn tpy. According to CDU ing of diesel fuel. Their installation will enable
to expand higher-quality TEK, Russia produced 38.4mn tonnes of gaso- production of Euro-6 gasoline at the site, as well
fuel output at the expense line and 78mn tonnes of diesel in 2020. Some as Euro-6 Arctic diesel.
of heavy fuel oil. 37.7mn tonnes of gasoline and 33.2mn tonnes Lukoil, meanwhile, previously secured an
of diesel were sold on the domestic market, while agreement covering a petroleum residue recy-
WHAT NEXT: the rest was exported. cling complex at its refinery in Nizhny Novgo-
Russia remains the The modernisation work will also entail a rod. The complex will feature a 2.11mn tpy
biggest heavy fuel oil drop in Russian heavy fuel oil (HFO) output, a delayed coker, a combined 1.5mn tpy diesel and
exporter, highlighting low-value product considered the dregs of the gasoline hydrotreater, a 50,000 cubic metre per
progress left to be made. refining process. hour hydrogen production unit, a 425,000 tpy
The investment deals were signed by four gas fractionator and an 81,000 tpy sulphur and
Rosneft-owned refineries, Novokuibyshevk, sulphuric acid production unit.
Syzran, Tuapse and Komsomolsk, two Gaz- Lukoil is understood to be seeking another
prom Neft-run facilities, Moscow and Omsk, deal at its Perm refinery worth RUB90-100bn,
the Afipsk and Orsk refineries managed by while Novatek wants to cover RUB50bn of
Mikhail Gutseriev’s Safmar Group, Tatneft’s investments at its gas processing facility in
P4 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 16 21•April•2021