Page 6 - FSUOGM Week 16 2021
P. 6

FSUOGM                                        COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       Biden avoids taking stance

       on Nord Stream 2

       Biden appears to be following a realpolitik course towards Nord Stream 2

        US               US President Joe Biden announced additional  expelled 10 diplomats from Moscow’s embassy
                         sanctions measures against Russia on April 15,  in Washington.
       WHAT:             in order to “defend our national interests and   Biden also spoke on the phone last week with
       Biden has announced   impose costs for Russian government actions  Russian President Vladimir Putin. He warned
       more Russian sanctions.  that seek to harm us.” However, the leader  Moscow against any further malign activities,
                         described Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline as  but also stressed he was eager to de-escalate ten-
       WHY:              a “complicated issue,” once again refusing to  sions with the US’ Cold War enemy.
       The US blames Russia for   comment on whether Washington will follow   “I was clear with President Putin that we
       interfering with the 2020   through with extra sanctions against the project.  could have gone further, but I chose not to do so.
       presidential election,   US officials have accused Russia of interfering  I chose to be proportionate. The US is not look-
       among other malign   with the 2020 presidential election and hacking  ing to kick off a cycle of escalation and conflict
       activities.       into the computer systems of the US government  with Russia. We want a stable, predictable rela-
                         and Fortune 500 companies. Russia has also  tionship,” he said. “If Russia continues to inter-
       WHAT NEXT:        been amassing a large military force on Ukraine’s  fere with our democracy, I’m prepared to take
       Biden has repeatedly   border and fighting in the Donbass region has  further actions to respond.”
       avoided taking a firm   intensified in recent weeks.     “Now is the time to de-escalate. The way
       stance on Nord Stream 2,   The US measures announced last week  forward is through thoughtful dialogue and
       suggesting Washington   included sanctions on six Russian technology  diplomatic process,” Biden continued. “The US
       may how the pipeline to   firms that support the country’s intelligence ser-  is prepared to continue constructively to move
       proceed, with conditions   vice’s cyber-programme and 32 entities and indi-  forward that process.”
       attached.         viduals alleged to have been involved in election
                         interference and disinformation campaigns. The
                         Biden administration has also imposed limits on  Realpolitik
                         US financial interaction with Russia’s sovereign  Biden’s speech made no mention of Nord Stream
                         debt, and sanctioned eight figures “associated  2, and asked by a reporter what his intentions
                         with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It has also  were considering the pipeline, he said the issue

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 16   21•April•2021
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