Page 9 - FSUOGM Week 16 2021
P. 9

FSUOGM                                       COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

                                                                                                  Source: Gazprom.

                         process,” analysts at BCS Global Markets wrote  and also has plans for two more 20mn tpy pro-
                         in a research note this week.        jects in the region, known as Arctic LNG-1 and
                           Russian petrochemicals group Sibur, which  Arctic LNG-3.
                         also counts Mikhelson as a shareholder, has also   According to Russia’s LNG development
                         weighed in. In December, the company’s head,  roadmap, approved last month, the Tambey
                         Dmitry Konov, proposed to Putin that ethane  cluster could support a further 20mn tpy of LNG
                         in the Tambey fields be separated through gas  exports.
                         liquefaction.                          Gazprom has its own ambitions for the gas,
                           “Novatek’s Yamal LNG project, developing  however. Besides supplementing its existing sup-
                         the geologically separate South Tambey field, is  ply to Europe, the company also wants to use the
                         nearby, giving the company a base from which to  gas on Yamal to underpin 50bn cubic metres per
                         relatively efficiently develop the Tambey cluster,”  year of exports to China via a second Power of
                         BCS GM said.                         Siberia pipeline, through Mongolia.
                           This said, the Moscow-based brokerage views   The company said on April 12 it had com-
                         it as unlikely that Novatek’s bid will succeed, not-  pleted its pre-feasibility study for the project,
                         ing it was the second time that the company had  determining the optimal route for the Mon-
                         made such a proposal. “But the effort shows that  golian section known as Soyuz Vostok. It will
                         the company is still thinking very big,” its ana-  stretch 1,000 km from eastern Mongolia, passing
                         lysts said.                          the capital city Ulaanbaatar.
                                                                Gazprom’s first Power of Siberia pipeline
                         Differing supply plans               carries gas from the company’s fields in eastern
                         Novatek’s ambition is to produce up to 70mn  Siberia, which are separate from the rest of the
                         tonnes per year of LNG by 2030, all at projects  national gas transport system. Power of Siberia
                         on the Yamal and neighbouring Gydan penin-  2, on the other hand, will pump gas from the
                         sulas. Its 17mn tpy Yamal LNG facility, online  company’s Yamal and other Western Siberia
                         since December 2017, will be joined in 2023 by  fields, which are mostly used to meet European
                         the 19.8mn tpy Arctic LNG-2 plant. It is also  demand. This will give Gazprom greater flexi-
                         hoping to launch the 5-6mn tpy Obsk LNG in  bility to divert its output to wherever demand is
                         2024, pending a final investment decision (FID),  stronger and prices are higher. ™

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